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Submitting Final Scientific/Technical Reports

DOE reporting requirements for financial assistance recipients are specified as scientific/technical reporting deliverables on the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist (DOE F 4600.2). Other awardees', such as Non-major Site/facility Management Contractors, technical reporting requirements are identified in Section J, List of Attachments, of the contract as part of the Performance Work Statement/Statement of Work, or as a separate attachment.

Each required Scientific/Technical Report deliverable is to be submitted to DOE in electronic format as indicated in the award instrument/contractual agreement. Electronic documents should be submitted in one integrated file that contains all text, tables, diagrams, photographs, schematic, graphs, and charts and the file size should not exceed 120 MB.

The report deliverable should be submitted via the Announcement Notice 241.3, Announcement of U.S. Department of Energy Scientific and Technical Information for Use by Financial Assistance Recipients and Non-major Site/facility Management Contractors.The Web-based AN 241.3 and instructions are available on the DOE Energy Link (E-Link) System.

A username and password are not needed to submit the AN 241.3; however, it is imperative that your contract number is accurate.Below are basic instructions and other helpful information related to the scientific/technical reporting deliverable.

Front Matter

Title Page
Briefly informs of purpose, scope, and findings
Follows Title Page
Credits substantial contributors to the work who are not authors
Cover and Title Page
Includes primary author and all contributing authors

Availability Statement

Award/Contract/Financial Assistance Number
Cover, inside front cover, and title page
DOE funding agreement
Refer to DOE M 471.2-1C,Classified Matter Protection and Control Manual
Classification level and category of information
Control Markings/Caveats
Refer to DOE M 471.1-1,Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information Manual; DOE M 471.2-1C,Classified Matter Protection and Control Manual; DOE O 471.7, Controlled Unclassified Information; Controlled Unclassified Information Marking Handbook;DOE O 5610.2, Control of Weapon Data;and DOE M 452.1-1A, Protection of User Control Vulnerabilities and Design
Markings that identify special handling or dissemination requirement
Cover or title page
Month and Year of release
Inside front or back cover
Distribution Statement
Cover or title page
Outlines restrictions or limitations on distribution
Cover, inside front cover, title page
Specifies the DOE office funding work product
List(s) of Figures and Tables
Follows Table of Contents
Lists 5 or more figures or tables or any combination thereof
Cover, title page, outside back cover
Name and address of the performing or research organization and/or site of origin
Report/Product number
Cover, title page or outside back cover
Report number unique to releasing company/laboratory/agency
Report Documentation Page
Before title page
Used by federal agencies for database building
Reporting Period
Included in title on cover or title page and first page of text
Month/year of reporting period
Table of Contents
Follows Title Page
Outlines organization and scope of a report
Cover and Title Page
A brief title and if necessary, subtitle
Title Page
First page of product
Provides information for description and bibliographic information

Text Body

Final paragraph of text (prior to Summary)
Presents substantiated findings, discusses their implications and presents author's option
1st page of text
States subject, purpose, scope and plan for developing report
Citations within the text or footnotes
Cites sources of information used by author(s) of reports
Follows Lists of Figures and Tables and/or Table of Contents
Summarizes problem, results, conclusions, recommendations

Back Matter

Follows Bibliography
Contains supplemental information not essential to the text
Follows Acknowledgements
Lists additional sources of information not cited in the text of a report
Distribution List
Last page of product
Gives permanent record of initial distribution of report