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Title: Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the fuel-cladding chemical interactions in HT9 cladded U-10Zr fuel

Journal Article · · Journal of Nuclear Materials

Fuel cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) is a key phenomenon needs to be better understood to establish the design basis for U-10Zr metallic fuel performance. Characterizing the microstructure and chemical composition of FCCI at micron and sub-micron scale is critically important toward a more mechanistic understanding of FCCI phenomenon and its potential effects on cladding integrity and metallic fuel performance. This paper, by using transmission electron microscopy, investigated the FCCI region in HT9 cladded U-10Zr fuel irradiated to 5.7% FIMA burnup at a peak inner cladding temperature of 615 °C in Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF). Four distinct layers are identified in the FCCI region. The migration of Fe into the fuel side leads to the formation of several U-Zr-Fe ternary phases, including ?-Fe0.5Zr0.32U0.18, e-Fe0.3Zr0.4U0.3, and ?-Fe0.06Zr0.23U0.71, mingled with UFe2, U6Fe, and U phase at various Fe penetration depth up to ~ 150 µm. On the cladding side, grain coarsening and significant lanthanides infiltration along grain boundaries are observed. Laves phase, (Fe,Cr)2(Mo,W), which typically does not exist in fresh HT9, is identified in a wide radial range in the cladding. The typical HT9 martensitic lath structure and pre-existing M23C6 precipitates disappear, partially or completely, depending on the radial distance from the fuel-cladding interface. Those microstructural and compositional changes could cause mechanical degradation in the HT9 cladding. The present characterization results will improve the understanding of FCCI phenomenon and facilitate the development of microstructure-informed FCCI modeling for metallic fuel.

Research Organization:
Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy (NE)
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
Journal Information:
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 572, Issue -
Country of Publication:
United States

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