OSTI.GOV title logo U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Scientific and Technical Information


What is OSTI.GOV?

OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for Department of Energy (DOE) funded science, technology, and engineering research and development (R&D) results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).

OSTI.GOV search functionality makes over 75 years of research results from DOE and predecessor agencies discoverable. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; technical reports; patents; conference and workshop papers; and more. OSTI.GOV was created to simplify the user search interface, combine the search tool with OSTI's organizational website, help to unify OSTI's product environment, and provide intuitive navigation beyond search functionality. It brings together content about OSTI tools and services, including submission of research results, public access, persistent identifier services, developer tools, news, and the primary search tool for DOE-funded R&D results.

OSTI is an office within the DOE Office of Science (link is external), the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. Our mission is to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making DOE R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the public. Visit the About OSTI page to learn more.

What does OSTI.GOV contain?

OSTI.GOV contains over 75 years of energy-related research results and citations collected by OSTI. It includes journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata, technical reports, scientific research datasets and collections, scientific software, patents, conference and workshop papers, books and theses, and multimedia funded by DOE through a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or similar type of funding mechanism from the 1940s to today. This collection continues to grow as new scientific and technical information resulting from DOE research becomes available.

OSTI.GOV contains over 3 million records, including 1.7 million journal article records, 1 million of which have digital object identifiers (DOIs) linking to full-text articles on publishers' websites.

OSTI.GOV also provides information about Office of Scientific and Technical Information and its other search tools, services, and operations. It includes information about OSTI's organization and leadership; policy and guidance regarding the management and submission of DOE-funded R&D research results to OSTI; technical support for submitting research results using OSTI's corporate submission tool, E-Link; resources about persistent identifier services and developer tools, including API documentation, OAI services, and DOE MARC records; and news about OSTI and its search tools and services.

How is OSTI.GOV related to OSTI, DOE PAGES®, and other search tools?

Access to DOE-funded research results is managed by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI). OSTI offers several ways for the public to search for and discover scientific and technical information (STI) via freely available search tools. The OSTI.GOV search tool offers access to an array of R&D results including resource types such as journal articles, technical reports, data, software, patents, conference papers, and more. Other OSTI tools offer discovery of specific types of DOE-funded R&D results. For example, DOE Public Access Gateway for Science and Energy (DOE PAGES®) contains journal articles and accepted manuscripts, DOE Data Explorer is comprised of research data, and DOE Patents includes patent information. Journal article information is also available through search tool APIs. Visit Search Tools for further information.

Where is SciTech Connect?

OSTI.GOV has replaced SciTech Connect as the primary search tool for Department of Energy (DOE) funded science, technology, and engineering research results. It provides access to all the information previously available in SciTech Connect, DOE Information Bridge, and Energy Citations Database.

How are records submitted to OSTI.GOV?

OSTI.GOV leverages the long-established DOE Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) infrastructure and systems to aid in the collection, preservation, and dissemination of R&D results or scientific and technical information. OSTI provides a corporate web-based system called DOE Energy Link (E-Link) for the submission of citation metadata and, if available, links (or electronic full-text files) to the full-text STI. DOE national laboratories and individual researchers use E-Link to submit scientific and technical information products, including journal article accepted manuscripts, technical reports, conference proceedings, etc. All software is submitted to OSTI using DOE CODE.

What is E-Link?

The Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Link system (E-Link), developed and maintained by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), is used for submitting scientific and technical information (STI) products, including journal article accepted manuscripts and other types of STI such as technical reports, conference proceedings, etc. E-Link facilitates the electronic submittal of STI to DOE by its client community, including researchers, reviewers, research administrators, and others doing business with DOE.

How does E-Link relate to OSTI.GOV?

Once an STI record is submitted to E-Link, the record will be processed and become visible and searchable in OSTI.GOV.

What bibliographic metadata is collected for OSTI.GOV records?

Below is a table of all metadata fields collected in E-Link for each resource type, or in DOE CODE for software. Definitions of the metadata fields which appear in OSTI.GOV may be found in the FAQ below (What information is found in the Full Record in OSTI.GOV?).

Metadata Table (PDF 552.12 KB)

Does OSTI.GOV provide the full text or resource for all of its content?

While OSTI.GOV provides access to a significant portion of full text and other research objects and has links to many other objects, not all metadata records provide links to full text. To inquire as to availability of a record, please view the document availability page, found via a link on the left side of the record page. For further questions regarding availability, please Contact Us.

Are there restrictions on the use of the material in OSTI.GOV?

Although much of the material in OSTI.GOV is subject to copyright protection under U.S. law, OSTI.GOV users may read, download, and analyze the available material by virtue of the Federal Government's reserved rights. The Federal Government retains a royalty-free, irrevocable license to use, modify, reproduce, and publish copyrightable works first produced under a federal contract or grant. If OSTI.GOV users wish to do more than read, download, and analyze available material, they should contact the respective authors or publishers for permission.

OSTI employs an Acceptable Use Policy to help safeguard and enhance the use of publicly accessible information by prohibiting excessive content requests or activities. Exemptions may be granted to individuals or organizations on a case by case basis.

Please Contact Us with any questions.

What subject areas are covered in OSTI.GOV?

Biology and Medicine
Energy Storage, Conversion, and Utilization
Environmental Sciences
Fission and Nuclear Technologies
Fossil Fuels
Mathematics and Computing
National Defense
Power Generation and Distribution
Renewable Energy 

What are the "Full Text/Resource Available" and "Citation Only" filters?

Full Text/Resource Available: Includes records for which OSTI provides access to the resources, the full text, datasets, software, etc.  OSTI employs a distributed hosting model where some resources are hosted internally at OSTI, while others are hosted at organizations/institutional repositories and OSTI links out to those copies.  If you encounter an issue with a full-text document not opening properly or if you reach an error page, please Contact Us.

Citation Only: Includes all records in OSTI.GOV, regardless of type (journal article, technical report, dataset, etc.) that do not also have an associated resource available.  This may be because the full text is unavailable from our office, a journal article is still within its 12-month administrative interval, or the record has not yet been digitized.  Copyright issues may also influence full-text availability.

What can be found with each of the OSTI.GOV resource type filters: journal article, dataset, patent, etc.?

Journal Article/Accepted Manuscript: Includes final peer-reviewed accepted manuscripts, open access journal articles, and publisher's versions of record.

An accepted manuscript is defined as the version of the article that has been accepted for publication and includes all modifications resulting from the peer-review process, which is also called the final peer-reviewed accepted manuscript. It is the same content as the published version but does not include the publisher's copyediting, stylistic or formatting edits that will constitute the final "version of record" that appears in a scholarly journal.

An open access article is a journal article that has been published under a license that allows for free, immediate, online access and the ability to fully reuse the article.

A published article or publisher's version of record is the final published article, including copyediting, stylistic edits, and formatting changes per a specific journal publisher. It is considered the "version of record" (VoR) because of potential post-publication updates such as errata, retractions, or other changes.

Data: Includes individual datasets and data collections from data centers, repositories, and other organizations funded by the Department of Energy. A data collection is a package of related datasets with a DOI for the entire collection. A dataset is a single instance of data whose boundaries have been defined by the data submitter, with a DOI associated. The data themselves reside at national laboratories, data centers, user facilities, colleges and universities, or other websites.  DOE Data Explorer is a discovery tool from OSTI that provides data-specific search functionality.

Software:  Includes unlimited software announced to DOE CODE and contents from OSTI's retired product, the Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC).  The scope of this collection includes software created and/or modified during work funded by DOE or during work carried out for others at DOE facilities.

Technical Report: Includes documents that are the result of DOE-sponsored research projects that describe the process, progress, or results of research and development or other scientific and technological work, including recommendations or conclusions of the research and such information as the original hypotheses, approaches used, and findings.  Facts, figures, analyses, and assumptions used during the life of the project to support the results are used to convey to the scientific community the findings during the project.  They may include more comprehensive or in-depth experimental details than scholarly papers or presentations.

Patent:  Includes a curated list of issued patent records from DOE-funded organizations and researchers. The DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) obtains patent records funded by DOE directly from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; however, to ensure comprehensiveness, broad dissemination, and archival preservation, inventors funded by DOE may find it useful to submit information to OSTI through their particular STI submission channels. The DOE-funded, issued patents encompass the majority of the patent category. DOE-funded patent records can also be found within DOE Patents, which offers more patent-specific searching capabilities.

In addition to the DOE-funded issued patent records, OSTI.GOV also contains some historical patent content. This includes issued patents of interest to DOE researchers that have been funded by other organizations, issued international patents, and a small number of patent applications. These records are not discoverable in DOE Patents and are accessible only in OSTI.GOV.

Conference/Event:  Includes STI products from a conference, symposium, lecture, or similar event.  Individual papers and presentations are those presented at an event by an individual whose work was sponsored by DOE, while a conference proceeding is the compilation of a group of papers from a conference, workshop, or seminar, typically prepared at the request of a DOE program that sponsored work in the area covered by the conference.  Format of these records can include PDF documents, PowerPoint slides, or videos.

Book/Monograph:  Includes scholarly pieces of writing on a specific subject and is a self-contained work, though monographs may be published in a series.  Books and monographs may be published by the originating site (e.g., as e-books or technical fact sheets) or by a commercial publisher.  If the STI product is a chapter, reference will be made to the whole book.

Program Document:  Includes documents prepared by or for a DOE Program Office for the purpose of being published on behalf of a program, representing a program perspective.  It may contain programmatic analysis, research needs assessment, outcome of a workshop on a specific technology or scientific topic, strategic or operational plan, or other types of program-specific information.

Thesis/Dissertation:  Includes academic papers often based on original research, using scholarly resources, written by a candidate as a graduate school requirement for a higher academic degree (a master's or doctoral degree) or professional qualification.  Dissertations and theses may be considered "gray literature" since they are not typically published commercially.

Multimedia:  Includes video and audio files produced by the DOE national laboratories, other DOE research facilities, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (link is external).  These are also discoverable in OSTI's DOE ScienceCinema product, which offers additional audio search capabilities.

Miscellaneous:   Includes any STI not easily defined in one of the other above categories.

What is the difference between Semantic and Term search?

Semantic Search

The default search for words or phrases entered into the basic search box from the homepage or at the top of every screen in OSTI.GOV uses semantic search, and utilizes a technique called keyword-to-concept mapping.  The term(s) you search will be mapped to related scientific concepts based on a thesaurus developed by OSTI, allowing you to retrieve results related to your search term, but also to explore narrower and similar concepts.  Boolean operators are ignored in the semantic search so your term(s) can be easily mapped to other concepts.

This technique is an expansion of your search and will generally return a larger number of results.

Example: Using semantic search, a search for wind energy would be expanded to approximately 48 terms associated with wind and energy, including these:

wind power

renewable energy

wind turbines

energy efficiency

energy conservation

geothermal energy

Term Search

The advanced search fields in OSTI.GOV use term search. Term search applies the provided search terms exactly as entered, with no concept mapping, and allows use of Boolean operators.  If you are searching for a very specific title, author, or keyword, the term search may be more appropriate.

How do I use the Advanced Search?

The advanced search will allow you to perform more complex searches, offering you a number of fields, such as Title, Author/Contributor, DOI, or Publication Date, to help you refine your search results.

Figure 273169: Access advanced search - select green drop-down arrow

Figure 273169: OSTI adv search dropdown

To access the advanced Search, select the green drop-down arrow from the search bar, either on the homepage or at the top of any subsequent page.

To access all advanced search features, click on the "More Options" selection at the bottom of the advanced search.

Figure 273170: OSTI.GOV Advanced Search Feature - More Options

Figure 273170: OSTI advanced search more options

Advanced Search Fields:

All Fields - Searches all bibliographic data and the full text of the resource when available. This field may also be searched using Semantic search technology.

Title - Searches only record titles

Author/Contributor - Searches all author or contributor names, including searching by ORCID iD if available

Digital Object Identifier - Searches only DOI data. A DOI is a unique persistent identifier that references a digital object and provides long-term access.

Identifier Numbers - Searches for all identifying numbers, including DOE contract number, report number, non-DOE contract/award numbers, or other identifying numbers such as ISSN. This field searches the metadata fields OSTI ID, Report Number, Grant/Contract Number, Additional Journal Information, DOI, Award DOI, and Code ID. 

Publication Date - Searches for records that were published within a specified timeframe. Type the desired date using the format MM/DD/YYYY, e.g. 01/01/2014.


Publication from: 01/01/2014 retrieves all articles published on or after 1/1/2014

Publication to: 01/01/2014 retrieves all articles published on or before 1/1/2014

Full Text - Searches the full-text content of records with available resources in the OSTI.GOV collection

Resource Type - Allows you to filter your results up front by resource type, including: Journal Article, Technical Report, Data, Software, Patent, Conference/Event, Book/Monograph, Program Document, Thesis/Dissertation, Video/Audio, and Miscellaneous

Subject - Searches both the standardized subject categories and keywords associated with the record

Site - Opens a drop-down list of various DOE sites, such as national laboratories, DOE offices, research sites, etc.

Research Org - Searches by the name(s) of the organization(s) that was funded and performed the research associated with the record

Sponsoring Org - Searches the name(s) of the DOE program office(s) that provided the funding for the research contributing to the record

Update Date - Searches for records that were last updated within our system within a specified timeframe. Type the desired date using the format MM/DD/YYYY, e.g. 01/01/2014.


Updated from: 01/01/2014 retrieves all records updated in OSTI.GOV on or after 1/1/2014

Updated to: 01/01/2014 retrieves all records updated in OSTI.GOV on or before 1/1/2014

Limit to INIS/NSA records only - Limits records results to only those that were published in the historical Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) collection

Limit to Nobel Prize winning researchers only - Limits records results to only those of Nobel Prize winning researchers associated with the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies

What information is found in the Full Record in OSTI.GOV?

The information in the Full Record is bibliographic data/metadata unique to, and descriptive of, a specific record. Basic bibliographic data includes the title, author(s), description or abstract, and publication date. This metadata improves online search and retrieval, and helps ensure preservation of the document. Below is a list of the metadata that OSTI collects and that is displayed in OSTI.GOV.

The following metadata fields are common to all resource types (journal article, dataset, software, etc.). An asterisk (*) indicates specific fields searchable via the advanced search:

Grouped at the top of the Record Page:

Title* - the title of the resource

Resource Type (badge) - identifies the type of record as a Journal Article, Technical Report, Conference, Dataset, Software, Software Manual, Patent, Patent Application, Thesis/Dissertation, Program Document, Book, Multimedia, S&T Accomplishment Report, Miscellaneous or Other

Publication Date* - the date the research product was published

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)* - a unique persistent identifier that references a digital object and provides long-term access; DOIs remain stable even if the underlying address or URL for the content changes

OSTI ID* - unique identifier assigned by OSTI upon submission

Author/Contributor* - includes first and last name, may include middle name/initial, email address, ORCID, or institutional affiliation

Abstract - summary of the information contained in the resource

Located under abstract and any download features:

Research Organization* - the name(s) of the organization(s) that performed the research or issued the scientific and technical information that led to the research product

Sponsoring Organization* - the name(s) of the DOE program office(s) that provided the funding for the research contributing to the research product

Contributing Organizations - the name(s) of a research/project collaboration, company, institution, or organization the author(s) wishes to acknowledge that are NOT an author affiliation, originating research organization, or funding organization

Grant/Contract Number* - the DOE contract number under which the research was conducted. May also contain non-DOE contract numbers if the research was funded by other organizations.

Report Number* - unique identifier created by researcher, lab, or institution and associated with the research product. May also contain other identifying numbers that may have meaning or retrieval utility, such as arXiv.org numbers or numbers assigned by a university or domain area repository.

Publisher - the name of the publisher that issues the research product

Country of Publication - the country in which the organization or company publishing the article is located

Language - the language the resource is published in

Resource Relation - citation information for supplementary datasets or other items published with the resource

Grouped elsewhere on record page:

Related Identifiers/DOIs (located in Linked Research section) - links to other research objects (e.g., journal articles, technical reports, datasets, instruments, experiments, awards, etc.) to give a fuller picture of how research objects are related or connect to one another. They can facilitate the validation of research results and support research reproducibility.

Subject* (located at the bottom right of the Full Record page) - words or phrases that describe the project as summarized in the record. This includes subject categories picked from a standardized authority list or keywords assigned to the article by either the author or journal.

Resource Type Specific Metadata on OSTI.GOV

The following metadata fields are found only on particular resource types. Journal Articles, Datasets, and Software each have associated information that do not apply to other resource types due to unique characteristics or requirements.

Journal Articles:

Journal Name* (placed at top of record page surrounding title) - the name of the journal in which the accepted manuscript is to be published (or was published)

Article Type* - designates between accepted manuscripts, published articles, publishers' accepted manuscripts

Additional Journal Information - other information associated with the article, including journal volume and issue number, serial identifier (ISSN), and article page range


Data Type - the specific type of data that dataset includes, such as still images, numeric data, specialized mix, etc.

Host Website - refers to the host website of large datasets


Project Type - will be Open Source, Publicly Available Repository (OS-PAR); Open Source, Not Publicly Available Repository (OS-NPAR); and Closed Source (CS). See "What are the Project Types found in DOE CODE?" for definitions of these types.

Repository URL, Landing Page, or Contact Email - either a Repository URL where the source code is available, a Landing Page which includes information describing the project/contact information, or a contact email for the project will be provided

Code ID - the unique identifier assigned by OSTI upon submission

License(s) - list of common licenses used by the software community

Developer(s) - the person(s) concerned with facets of the software development process, including research, design, programming, and testing of the software, along with their affiliations

Release Date - the date the software was released

Version - the version of the software

Short Name or Acronym - abbreviated title or acronym for the software

Site Accession Number - the accession or other identifying numbers assigned by the submitting site, university, or repository's database, records, etc.

Software Type - will be Scientific or Business. See "How is scientific software provided to DOE CODE?" and "How is business software provided to DOE CODE?" for definitions of these types.

Programming Language(s) - the specific language or languages in which the code being submitted was written

What is “Other Versions” on the full record page?

In the center of the page after the abstract, some records may have a pop up that reads “Other Versions.” If a record is submitted to OSTI indicating it is a previous version of another record, the link to the other record will be included in this feature.

Illustration of Other Versions popup box on OSTI.GOV

Can I sort or filter my results?

Yes, you may filter your results by resource type, availability, publication date, author/contributor, and research organization.  These options are available via the search results page on the left-hand side of the screen. Sort options on the results page include sorting by Relevance (default), Publication Date, ascending or descending, and Most Cited.

Can I save or download the results of a search from OSTI.GOV?

Yes.  If the item is available electronically, a full-text icon will be shown at the left of the result.  Items in OSTI.GOV are publicly-available and free to read, download, and analyze.

You also may save the bibliographic/metadata information for a set of results as a CSV/Excel, XML, JSON, or RIS file from the results screen.

From an individual bibliographic/metadata details page you can export the metadata to Endnote or save it in RIS, CSV/Excel, XML, or JSON format.  You also have the option to generate a citation for the record in various formats, including MLA, APA, Chicago, and BibTeX.

Can I bulk download a number of records?

If downloading directly from OSTI.GOV's search results pages does not meet your needs, we currently offer three different formats for bulk metadata downloads: API Services (XML and JSON), OAI-PMH (XML), and MARC.  The OSTI.GOV API and OAI-PMH options provide access to the full corpus of metadata for OSTI.GOV records, while MARC provides metadata in MARC21 record format for only records in OSTI.GOV with the full text or resource available.

If you have any questions about bulk downloads, or utilizing them in your own library database, please Contact Us.

Does OSTI provide API services for OSTI.GOV research results?

Yes, OSTI provides API services for OSTI.GOV and other search tools, which provide uniform methods to search and retrieve STI metadata in flexible formats such as XML and JSON.  Each API is built on a REST architecture, providing predictable URLs that make writing applications easy. Information regarding APIs may be found here, including links to help documentation for every API offered.

How can I view the details about a record?

By clicking the title of an article in the results list you will be directed to the full record page, providing bibliographic information, resource accessibility options, as well as citation format and metadata export options.

How do I register for an OSTI.GOV account? What are the benefits of being a registered user?

To create an OSTI.GOV account, select the Create Account link at the top right of your screen and enter the requested information.  You are required to provide your email address and create a password.  Each account must be registered with a unique email address.  After registration, you will be taken to your account management screen.  If you are a DOE community user, such as a federal employee or contractor, you are invited to provide some additional information at the time of registration, or through your account management screen.

An OSTI.GOV account allows you to save documents, save searches, categorize records into lists, export bibliographies, and create alerts.

For members of the DOE Community:

Members of the DOE community (DOE Federal employee, contractor, or grantee) with approved account registration can view additional citation metrics on the article details page, including impact factor, citation impact by journal and by field, and the percentage rank by field for that year. Users can also view a list of all resources referenced by or citing the article using the References and Cited By tabs at the top of the reference details page. This information is provided as a service to DOE community users through an agreement with Web of Science.

Additionally, an interactive Reference/Citation Traversal tool has been developed which allows DOE community users to find more research of interest. By selecting any title in the References or Cited By lists on either side of the original item, the tree is redrawn, moving the newly selected resource to the center and showing its references on the left and cited by works on the right. The original article will appear below the newly selected item, allowing users to keep track of the traversal path. Users can continue to traverse the tree, moving either backwards through references or forward through citations with the path always preserved in the center of the tree.

Does OSTI.GOV offer an Alerts service?

Yes.  You can create an OSTI.GOV account, which will allow you to save and categorize documents, save searches, export bibliographies, and create content alerts.  To set an alert, save the search to your account, then turn the alert on from your list of saved searches.  You can also create an alert directly from the search results page.  While logged in to your OSTI.GOV account, conduct the search that interests you.  From the search results page, select the "Save Results" dropdown at the top of the page and choose "Save this search to My Library."  In the pop-up box that opens, you may add a title for the search and check the box, "Notify when document matches are added or updated."  Checking this box will turn on the alert automatically.  It may be turned off at any time from your account details page.

Can I get a full-text copy of one of the citations I've found in OSTI.GOV where electronic full text is not available?

In addition to electronic full text, OSTI maintains a paper and microfiche archive of DOE-funded STI that has not yet been digitized. If you find a citation on OSTI.GOV that you wish to have as full text, please check the document availability link in the center of the Full Record page, just under the abstract.  You will find instructions for how to request more information or start the process of obtaining full-text materials.

What kinds of software are available in OSTI.GOV?

OSTI.GOV includes unlimited software announced to DOE CODE and contents from the predecessor software product, the Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC). OSTI.GOV contains records for unlimited DOE-funded software and links to the software, code repository, or project contact information. The repositories may also include manuals, examples, test data, etc.

Limited availability software, such as Official Use Only (OUO), including Export Controlled Information (ECI) and Security Sensitive Information (SSI), among others are only included in Science Research Connection (SRC).

How is ORCID integrated into OSTI.GOV?

In June 2016, OSTI added a mechanism for users to add their works found in OSTI.GOV directly to their ORCID Works profile.  This feature also extends to E-Link in that users may choose to give OSTI permission to update their Works anytime a new or updated record is submitted via E-Link including their ORCID iD. 

For additional assistance, Contact Us.

How do I add records to my ORCID Works?

To add OSTI.GOV records, please make sure that you have completed the login and authorization procedures, available from the "Sign In" page at the top of OSTI.GOV. Once authorized, conduct a search as you would normally, using the basic or advanced search as you choose.  When you identify a record that you have authored or coauthored, choose to "Add to ORCID Works", found at the right-hand corner of the record listing in the results list. OSTI.GOV will ask if you would like to add this record. Select "Add to ORCID Works" again in the pop-up text box.  You have now added this record to your Works list.

How do I authorize OSTI to make changes to my ORCID Works?

To access this feature and authorize OSTI to make changes, please click on "Sign In" at the top right of any OSTI.GOV webpage.  On this account login screen, you will find information regarding the ORCID integration feature, as well as a link to "Create or connect your ORCID iD," available at the bottom of this account page (you will most likely need to scroll down to view this link).  Selecting this link will open a new window or pop-up webpage where you may sign in to your ORCID account, or create a new ORCID account as needed.  Follow the directions on this screen and select "Authorize" to grant permissions. Once signed in with ORCID, you will be prompted to "close this window," which will return you to OSTI.GOV with your ORCID Works connected.  To confirm that you are connected, you should see your name and ORCID iD number on OSTI.GOV.   You can confirm that you are still logged in with ORCID from any page on OSTI.GOV by locating your name and the green ORCID symbol above the search bar at the top of the page.

How will records be added to my Works if they are submitted in E-Link?

This process is totally hands off for you, the user, once OSTI has been granted authorization.  Any unlimited access records from this point forward that come into E-Link associated with your ORCID iD will automatically be added to your Works list.

How do I view the OSTI.GOV records that have been added to my Works?

Please ensure you are logged in to ORCID through OSTI.GOV by following the steps described above.  Once logged in, any records that have been added to your Works that are found in OSTI.GOV are visible on your dashboard page.  To view this page, click on your name and the ORCID symbol at the top of OSTI.GOV, next to the "Sign In" option.  You should see your ORCID account details and a tab titled "ORCID Works in OSTI.GOV."  Click on this tab and you should see the list of records that you have authored and added to your profile found in OSTI.GOV.

Will the records I add to my Works be updated if the metadata changes?

We understand that sometimes metadata changes.  Perhaps the abstract is updated or an author added to a record after its initial submission to OSTI through E-Link.  If any OSTI record is updated after it has been added to your ORCID Works, regardless of whether you added it through OSTI.GOV or it was added on your behalf (submitted including your ORCID iD) via E-Link, it will automatically be updated in your ORCID profile.  For as long as you grant OSTI permission to make changes to your Works, any new update will be sent to your Works profile.  If authorization is removed as described in Troubleshooting below, records will no longer be updated automatically and will remain as they appear at the time of the change in permissions.


Why aren't the works I selected showing up on my list in OSTI.GOV?
If you can see them in your ORCID profile but not in the list on OSTI.GOV, it is most likely an issue of privacy settings.  Please ensure that your privacy settings on ORCID for who may view your Works are set to "Everyone."   After the OSTI.GOV page has been refreshed, you should now see that title in your list of ORCID Works in OSTI.GOV.  If the data displayed is still different, please Contact Us.

Why are the records I've added different from what I see in OSTI.GOV? 
If the metadata you see in OSTI.GOV is different than what displays on your ORCID Works list, ensure that you have not revoked access from OSTI to make changes to your profile.  OSTI must have current authorization for the most recent updates to be included. If you do have current authorization, please refresh each page and check again.  If the data displayed is still different, please Contact Us

Can I remove authorization for OSTI to add or update my Works? 
Yes.  If you are sure you would like to remove this authorization, go to the Account Settings on the ORCID website.  Under "Trusted Organizations" you will see an entry for DOE/Office of Scientific and Technical Information.  This list is automatically sorted by approval date, so depending on when authorization was granted or other organizations you have authorized, you may have to search your list.  To remove OSTI, select the trashcan on the right side of both entries.  It will give you the option to Confirm or Cancel revocation of access from OSTI.  Note: If you choose to revoke access, the records that have been added via OSTI.GOV or E-Link will remain in your ORCID Works list; however, they will no longer be updated automatically if metadata changes.  You will need to manually curate them from that point forward.

For additional assistance, Contact Us.