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Title: Laser material processing system


A laser material processing system and method are provided. A further aspect of the present invention employs a laser for micromachining. In another aspect of the present invention, the system uses a hollow waveguide. In another aspect of the present invention, a laser beam pulse is given broad bandwidth for workpiece modification.

Issue Date:
Research Org.:
Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
Board of Trustees of Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
Patent Classifications (CPCs):
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Resource Relation:
Patent File Date: 2007 Apr 09
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

Dantus, Marcos. Laser material processing system. United States: N. p., 2015. Web.
Dantus, Marcos. Laser material processing system. United States.
Dantus, Marcos. Tue . "Laser material processing system". United States.
title = {Laser material processing system},
author = {Dantus, Marcos},
abstractNote = {A laser material processing system and method are provided. A further aspect of the present invention employs a laser for micromachining. In another aspect of the present invention, the system uses a hollow waveguide. In another aspect of the present invention, a laser beam pulse is given broad bandwidth for workpiece modification.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2015},
month = {4}

Works referenced in this record:

High power ultrafast lasers
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Delivery of femtosecond pulses by flexible hollow fibers
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Direct ultrashort-pulse intensity and phase retrieval by frequency-resolved optical gating and a computational neural network
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journal, January 1998

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journal, January 1998

Characterizing the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond pulses in bulk media
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journal, January 2002

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journal, April 1999

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journal, July 2001

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journal, January 1998

Full-field characterization of femtosecond pulses by spectrum and cross-correlation measurements
journal, January 1999

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Spectral determination of the amplitude and the phase of intense ultrashort optical pulses
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journal, January 2005

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journal, January 1998

Generation of Broadband VUV Light Using Third-Order Cascaded Processes
journal, June 2001

Creating and Detecting Shaped Rydberg Wave Packets
journal, December 1997

16-fs, 1-μJ ultraviolet pulses generated by third-harmonic conversion in air
journal, January 1996

Few-cycle mid-infrared pulse generation, characterization, and coherent propagation in optically dense media
journal, June 2002

Deciphering the Reaction Dynamics Underlying Optimal Control Laser Fields
journal, January 2003

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Direct observation of preferential bond fission by excitation of a vibrational fundamental Photodissociation of HOD (0,0,1)
journal, August 1990

Selectively breaking the O–H bond in HOD
journal, January 1990

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journal, June 1989

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journal, March 1997

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journal, September 1997

Multidimensional Holography by Persistent Spectral Hole Burning
journal, April 2002

Propagation of Complex Laser Pulses in Optically Dense Media
journal, May 1999

Adaptive femtosecond pulse compression
journal, January 1997

Subfemtosecond compression of periodic laser pulses
journal, January 1999

Phase Defects in Self-Focusing of Ultrashort Pulses
journal, July 1999

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journal, January 1998

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journal, January 1993

Phase amplitude coupling in spectral phase modulation
journal, January 1998

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journal, October 1985

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journal, January 2001

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journal, February 2003

Closing the Loop on Bond Selective Chemistry Using Tailored Strong Field Laser Pulses
journal, July 2002

Optical control of molecular dynamics in a liquid
journal, May 2002

Molecular dissociation by mid-IR femtosecond pulses
journal, May 2002

Selective Bond Dissociation and Rearrangement with Optimally Tailored, Strong-Field Laser Pulses
journal, March 2001

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journal, October 1995

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Laser Control of Chemical Reactions
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Interfering for the good of a chemical reaction
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Holy Grails of Chemistry
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Incorporating physical implementation concerns into closed loop quantum control experiments
journal, December 2000

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journal, January 1993

Adaptive pulse compression for transform-limited 15-fs high-energy pulse generation
journal, January 2000

Controlling the Phase Evolution of Few-Cycle Light Pulses
journal, July 2000

Carrier-Envelope Phase Control of Femtosecond Mode-Locked Lasers and Direct Optical Frequency Synthesis
journal, April 2000

Generation of Single Dispersion Precompensated 1-fs Pulses by Shaped-Pulse Optimized High-Order Stimulated Raman Scattering
journal, February 2002

20-fs pulse shaping with a 512-element phase-only liquid crystal modulator
journal, January 2001

Iterative Fourier transform algorithm for phase-only pulse shaping
journal, January 2001

Compensation for a Transfer Function of a Regenerative Amplifier to Generate Accurately Shaped Ultrashort Pulses in Both the Amplitude and Phase
journal, January 2004

Controlling the shape of a quantum wavefunction
journal, January 1999

Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference. 1. Control of Multiphoton Processes in Condensed Phases
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Photonics: An atomic dimmer switch
journal, November 1998

Quantum information with trapped ions at NIST
journal, April 2003

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journal, March 1999

Towards nanoscale three-dimensional fabrication using two-photon initiated polymerization and near-field excitation
journal, September 2003

Transient-grating frequency-resolved optical gating
journal, January 1997

Measuring Ultrashort Laser Pulses Just Got a Lot Easier
journal, January 2001

Ultrabroadband femtosecond lasers
journal, April 1994

Laser scanning third-harmonic-generation microscopy in biology
journal, January 1999

Optical pulse compression to 50 fs by use of only a spatial light modulator for phase compensation
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journal, January 1996

Electronic dephasing, vibrational relaxation, and solvent friction in molecular nonlinear optical line shapes
journal, October 1988

Single-shot measurement of the intensity and phase of a femtosecond UV laser pulse with frequency-resolved optical gating
journal, January 1994

Single-shot measurement of the amplitude and phase of ultrashort laser pulses in the violet
journal, January 1995

Phase and intensity characterization of femtosecond pulses from a chirped-pulse amplifier by frequency-resolved optical gating
journal, January 1995

Measuring ultrashort laser pulses in the time-frequency domain using frequency-resolved optical gating
journal, September 1997

Complete characterization of ultrashort pulse sources at 1550 nm
journal, April 1999

Characterization of the electric field of ultrashort optical pulses
journal, January 1996

Single-shot measurement of carrier-envelope phase changes by spectral interferometry
journal, January 2001

Single-shot spectral interferometry with chirped pulses
journal, January 2001

Direct space–time characterization of the electric fields of ultrashort optical pulses
journal, January 2002

Nonlinear magic: multiphoton microscopy in the biosciences
journal, November 2003

Water-Soluble Quantum Dots for Multiphoton Fluorescence Imaging in Vivo
journal, May 2003

Control of Chemical Reactions by Feedback-Optimized Phase-Shaped Femtosecond Laser Pulses
journal, October 1998

Chemistry with Photons
journal, November 1993

Direct determination of the amplitude and the phase of femtosecond light pulses
journal, January 1991

Femtosecond pulse distortion in GaAs quantum wells and its effect on pump-probe or four-wave-mixing experiments
journal, December 1994

Generation, shaping, and characterization of intense femtosecond pulses tunable from 3 to 20 μm
journal, January 2000

Programmable shaping of femtosecond optical pulses by use of 128-element liquid crystal phase modulator
journal, April 1992

Back-side-coated chirped mirrors with ultra-smooth broadband dispersion characteristics
journal, October 2000

Femtosecond pulse shaping by dynamic holograms in photorefractive multiple quantum wells
journal, January 1997

Engineerable femtosecond pulse shaping by second-harmonic generation with Fourier synthetic quasi-phase-matching gratings
journal, January 1998

Implementation of Quantum Search Algorithm using Classical Fourier Optics
journal, March 2002

Adapting optimal control theory and using learning loops to provide experimentally feasible shaping mask patterns
journal, August 2001

Adaptive real-time femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, January 1998

Generation of high energy 10 fs pulses by a new pulse compression technique
journal, May 1996

Generation of terahertz-rate trains of femtosecond pulses by phase-only filtering
journal, January 1990

Iterative Fourier transform algorithm for phase-only pulse shaping
journal, January 2001

Shaped-pulse optimization of coherent emission of high-harmonic soft X-rays
journal, July 2000

Pulse shaping of octave spanning femtosecond laser pulses
journal, January 2006

Shaping a femtosecond pulse with a programmable thermo-optically driven phase modulator
journal, January 2007

Sensing and compensation of femtosecond waveform distortion induced by all-order polarization mode dispersion at selected polarization states
journal, January 2007

Laser-induced dissociation and explosion of methane and methanol
journal, May 2002

Single-shot sonogram generation for femtosecond laser pulse diagnostics by use of two-photon absorption in a silicon CCD camera
journal, January 2002

Visible pulse compression to 4 fs by optical parametric amplification and programmable dispersion control
journal, January 2002

Femtosecond pulse shaping for synthesis, processing, and time-to-space conversion of ultrafast optical waveforms
journal, January 1998

Femtosecond laser pulse shaping by use of microsecond radio-frequency pulses
journal, January 1994

A New Nonlinear Optical Crystal-BaAlBO3F2(BABF)
journal, October 2002

Shaping of femtosecond pulses using phase-only filters designed by simulated annealing
journal, January 1993

Use of coherent control methods through scattering biological tissue to achieve functional imaging
journal, November 2004

Adaptive Pulse Shaping of Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Amplitude and Phase through a Single-Mode Fiber by Referring to Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating Patterns
journal, June 2002

Ultrashort pulse generation by intracavity spectral shaping and phase compensation of external-cavity modelocked semiconductor lasers
journal, September 2000

Spatial and temporal dependence of interspark interactions in femtosecond-nanosecond dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
journal, January 2004

Asymmetric laser excitation in chiral molecules quantum simulations for a proposed experiment
journal, April 2003

Locally designed pulse shaping for selective preparation of enantiomers from their racemate
journal, January 2001

Laser synthesis of chiral molecules in isotropic racemic media
journal, July 2001

Laser-driven coherent manipulation of molecular chirality
journal, May 2004

Mass and photoelectron spectrometer for studying field-induced ionization of molecules
journal, May 2002

Application of adaptive feedback loop for ultra-violet femtosecond pulse shaper control
journal, January 2006

Acousto-optic femtosecond pulse shaping in the ultraviolet
conference, January 2005

Acousto-optical shaping of ultraviolet femtosecond pulses
journal, March 2005

Multidimensional Analytical Method Based on Binary Phase Shaping of Femtosecond Pulses
journal, March 2005

Quantum control of the yield of a chemical reaction
journal, March 1998

Femtosecond ground state dynamics of gas phase N2O4 and NO2
journal, November 2001

Control and Characterization of Intramolecular Dynamics with Chirped Femtosecond Three-Pulse Four-Wave Mixing
journal, December 1999

Femtosecond photon echo and virtual echo measurements of the vibronic and vibrational coherence relaxation times of iodine vapor
journal, January 2001

Femtosecond transient-grating techniques: Population and coherence dynamics involving ground and excited states
journal, March 1999

Population and coherence control by three-pulse four-wave mixing
journal, September 1999

Femtosecond photon echo measurements of electronic coherence relaxation between the X(1Σg+) and B(3Π0u+) states of I2 in the presence of He, Ar, N2, O2, C3H8
journal, October 2003

Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Identification of Isomers Applying Coherent Laser Control
journal, September 2005

Femtosecond Clocking of the Chemical Bond
journal, September 1988

Femtosecond real‐time probing of reactions. I. The technique
journal, November 1988

Femtosecond dynamics of photoinduced molecular detachment from halogenated alkanes. II. Asynchronous concerted eliminationof I2 from CH2I2
journal, September 1998

Ultrafast Nonlinear Spectroscopic Techniques in the Gas Phase and Their Density Matrix Representation
journal, February 2002

Femtosecond photoassociation: Coherence and implications for control in bimolecular reactions
journal, May 1997

Femtosecond dynamics of photoinduced molecular detachment from halogenated alkanes. I. Transition state dynamics and product channel coherence
journal, September 1998

Femtosecond observation of a concerted chemical reaction
journal, June 1996

Femtosecond photoassociation spectroscopy: coherent bond formation
journal, November 1995

Femtosecond laser observations of molecular vibration and rotation
journal, February 1990

Femtosecond real‐time probing of reactions. V. The reaction of IHgI
journal, December 1989

Femtosecond real‐time probing of reactions. II. The dissociation reaction of ICN
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Real‐time femtosecond probing of ‘‘transition states’’ in chemical reactions
journal, August 1987

Photon echo pulse sequences with femtosecond shaped laser pulses as a vehicle for molecule-based quantum computation
journal, January 2002

Multiphoton intrapulse interference. IV. Ultrashort laser pulse spectral phase characterization and compensation
journal, January 2004

Spectral phase optimization of femtosecond laser pulses for narrow-band, low-background nonlinear spectroscopy
journal, January 2005

Complete femtosecond linear free induction decay, Fourier algorithm for dispersion relations, and accuracy of the rotating wave approximation
journal, January 2001

Surface plasmon subwavelength optics
journal, August 2003

A high-speed optical star network using TDMA and all-optical demultiplexing techniques
journal, June 1996

Continuum generation of the third-harmonic pulse generated by an intense femtosecond IR laser pulse in air
journal, September 2003

Pulse shaping of octave spanning femtosecond laser pulses
journal, January 2006

Remote atmospheric breakdown for standoff detection by using an intense short laser pulse
journal, January 2005

Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Identification of Isomers Applying Coherent Laser Control
journal, September 2005

Quantitative investigation of the multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan method for simultaneous phase measurement and compensation of femtosecond laser pulses
journal, January 2006

Influence of bandwidth and phase shaping on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with ultrashort laser pulses
journal, May 2006

Coherent control improves biomedical imaging with ultrashort shaped pulses
journal, June 2006

Dependence of the Laser Two-Photon Ionization Process in Solution on the Laser Pulse Width
journal, May 2001

Visible pulse compression to 4 fs by optical parametric amplification and programmable dispersion control
journal, January 2002

Optical Code-Division Multiple Access Using Broad-Band Parametrically Generated Light
journal, June 2004

Innovative pulse shaping for high-performance wireless TDMA
journal, September 2001

Generation of Photon Number States on Demand via Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
journal, April 2001

Adaptive shaping of femtosecond polarization profiles
journal, January 2003

Quantum mechanics in terms of non-negative smoothed Wigner functions
journal, August 1992

Quantum Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics
journal, March 1998

High-power ultrafast laser diodes
journal, January 1992

Experimental demonstration of pulse shaping and shortening by spatial filtering of an induced-phase-modulated probe wave
journal, March 1997

In vivo ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
journal, January 1999

High-resolution acousto-optic shaping of unamplified and amplified femtosecond laser pulses
journal, January 1997

Additive-pulse-compression mode locking of a neodymium fiber laser
journal, January 1991

Ultrafast pulse shaping: amplification and characterization
journal, January 1998

Compression of optical pulses to six femtoseconds by using cubic phase compensation
journal, January 1987

Characterization of sub-6-fs optical pulses with spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction
journal, January 1999

Generation of programmable, picosecond-resolution shaped laser pulses by fiber-grating pulse compression
journal, January 1987

Electronic-resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy of nitric oxide
journal, September 2003

Electronic-resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy of nitric oxide
journal, September 2003

Information Storage and Retrieval Through Quantum Phase
journal, January 2000

Speed Optimized Two-Qubit Gates with Laser Coherent Control Techniques for Ion Trap Quantum Computing
journal, October 2003

Fourier transform measurement of two-photon excitation spectra: applications to microscopy and optimal control
journal, January 2005

Generation of 33-fs optical pulses from a solid-state laser
journal, January 1992

Quintic-phase-limited, spatially uniform expansion and recompression of ultrashort optical pulses
journal, January 1993

Single-pulse phase-control interferometric coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy
journal, October 2005

Terahertz waveform synthesis via optical pulse shaping
journal, September 1996

Semiclassical molecular dynamics computation of spontaneous light emission in the condensed phase: Resonance Raman spectra
journal, April 2001

FAST CARS: Engineering a laser spectroscopic technique for rapid identification of bacterial spores
journal, August 2002

Phase-matched high-order harmonic generation by guided intense femtosecond pulses
journal, January 1999

Nonlinear limits to the information capacity of optical fibre communications
journal, June 2001

Adaptive pulse shaping of phase and amplitude of an amplified femtosecond pulse laser by direct reference to frequency-resolved optical gating traces
journal, January 2002

No loss spectral phase correction and arbitrary phase shaping of regeneratively amplified femtosecond pulses using MIIPS
journal, January 2006

Compression of optical solitons by conversion of nonlinear modes
journal, January 1995

Shaping of wide bandwidth 20 femtosecond optical pulses
journal, September 1992

Coherent ultrafast MI-FROG spectroscopy of optical field ionization in molecular H2, N2, and O2
journal, July 2001

Targeted photodynamic therapy via receptor mediated delivery systems
journal, January 2004

Spectral phase transfer for indirect phase control of sub-20-fs deep UV pulses
journal, January 2005

Modified spectrum autointerferometric correlation (MOSAIC) for single-shot pulse characterization
journal, January 2007

Pulse shaper assisted short laser pulse characterization
journal, January 2008

Polarization and Phase Control of Remote Surface-Plasmon-Mediated Two-Photon-Induced Emission and Waveguiding
journal, December 2006

Spectral line-by-line pulse shaping
journal, January 2005

Line-by-line pulse shaping control for optical arbitrary waveform generation
journal, January 2005

Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Peptides and Proteins with Particle Suspension Matrixes
journal, January 1999

Use of coherent control for selective two-photon fluorescence microscopy in live organisms
journal, January 2006

Terawatt to Petawatt Subpicosecond Lasers
journal, May 1994

Observation of Plasmon Propagation, Redirection, and Fan-Out in Silver Nanowires
journal, August 2006

Blue-shifted third-harmonic generation and correlated self-guiding during ultrafast barrier suppression ionization of subatmospheric density noble gases
journal, January 1996

Coherent Control of Femtosecond Energy Localization in Nanosystems
journal, January 2002

Nontrivial polarization shaping of femtosecond pulses by reference to the results of dual-channel spectral interferometry
journal, January 2004

Chirped multilayer coatings for broadband dispersion control in femtosecond lasers
journal, January 1994

Using phase retrieval to measure the intensity and phase of ultrashort pulses: frequency-resolved optical gating
journal, January 1993

Nonlinear Plasma Waves Resonantly Driven by Optimized Laser Pulse Trains
journal, February 1994

Arbitrary dispersion control of ultrashort optical pulses with acoustic waves
journal, January 2000

Photodynamic therapeutics basic principles and clinical applications
journal, November 1999

Programmable phase and amplitude femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, January 1993

Generation of high-fidelity programmable ultrafast optical waveforms
journal, January 1995

Enhancement of coherent charge oscillations in coupled quantum wells by femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, January 1994

Femtosecond pulse shaping using spatial light modulators
journal, May 2000

High-resolution femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, January 1988

Programmable femtosecond pulse shaping by use of a multielement liquid-crystal phase modulator
journal, January 1990

Spectral holography of shaped femtosecond pulses
journal, January 1992

Femtosecond multiple-pulse impulsive stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy
journal, January 1991

What can short-pulse pump-probe spectroscopy tell us about Franck-Condon dynamics?
journal, May 1999

Laser noise compression by filamentation at 400 nm in argon
journal, January 2007

Ambiguity of ultrashort pulse shapes retrieved from the intensity autocorrelation and the power spectrum
journal, July 2001

Interference without an interferometer: a different approach to measuring, compressing, and shaping ultrashort laser pulses
journal, January 2008

Direct measurement of spectral phase for ultrashort laser pulses
journal, January 2008

Generation of high energy 10 fs pulses by a new pulse compression technique
journal, May 1996

Scanningless depth-resolved microscopy
journal, January 2005

Adaptively controlled supercontinuum pulse from a microstructure fiber for two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy
journal, January 2007

Generation of 0.5 mJ, few-cycle laser pulses by an adaptive phase modulator
journal, January 2008

Control of the photodissociation of CsCl
journal, September 2000

Few-cycle optical waveform synthesis
journal, February 2001

Highly localized vibronic wavepackets in large reactive molecules
journal, September 2000

Frequency-time and time-space mappings for single-shot coherent four-wave mixing with chirped pulses and broad beams
journal, January 2001

The effects of noise on ultrashort-optical-pulse measurement using SPIDER
journal, June 2000

Role of quadratic and cubic spectral phases in ladder climbing with ultrashort pulses
journal, November 2004

Femtosecond pulse shaping by an evolutionary algorithm with feedback
journal, December 1997

Mechanisms for laser control of chemical reactions
journal, March 2002

Controlling the Future of Matter
journal, March 1995

Shaper-assisted collinear SPIDER: fast and simple broadband pulse compression in nonlinear microscopy
journal, January 2007

Coherent Control of Quantum Dynamics: The Dream Is Alive
journal, March 1993

Encoding and decoding of femtosecond pulses
journal, January 1988

Generation of 21-fs millijoule-energy pulses by use of Ti:sapphire
journal, January 1994

Characterization of a broadband pulse for phase controlled multiphoton microscopy by single beam SPIDER
journal, January 2007

Pulse compression by use of deformable mirrors
journal, January 1999

A femtosecond code-division multiple-access communication system test bed
journal, January 1998

Shaping light: MOEMS deformable mirrors for microscopes and telescopes
conference, February 2010

Minimization of dispersion in an ultrafast chirped pulse amplifier using adaptive learning
journal, June 2000

Phase control of a two-photon transition with shaped femtosecond laser-pulse sequences
journal, December 2004

Mode-locking matter with light
journal, December 1993

Feedback-controlled femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, June 2000

Diffraction and focusing of spectral energy in multiphoton processes
journal, September 1992

Large interference effects of small chirp observed in two-photon absorption
journal, July 1992

Ultrafast Rotational Anisotropy Measurements: Unidirectional Detection
journal, April 1999

Ultrafast Rotational Anisotropy Measurements: Strong-Field Nonlinear Saturation Effects
journal, August 2001

Probing microscopic chemical environments with high-intensity chirped pulses
journal, January 1999

Characterization of chirped-pulse amplification systems with spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction
journal, June 2000

Spatio-temporal characterization of the electric field of ultrashort optical pulses using two-dimensional shearing interferometry
journal, June 2002

Optimally shaped terahertz pulses for phase retrieval in a Rydberg-atom data register
journal, August 2001

Analysis and control of laser induced fragmentation processes in CpMn(CO)3
journal, June 2001

Charge Density Wave Caused by Reducing ThSe3 by One Electron. Superstructure and Short-Range Order in ATh2Se6 (A = K, Rb) Studied by X-ray Diffraction, Electron Diffraction, and Diffuse Scattering
journal, October 1998

  • Choi, Kyoung-Shin; Patschke, Rhonda; Billinge, Simon J. L.
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 120, Issue 41, p. 10706-10714

Feedback quantum control of molecular electronic population transfer
journal, November 1997

Quantum Control of NaI Photodissociation Reaction Product States by Ultrafast Tailored Light Pulses
journal, May 1997

Using time-dependent rate equations to describe chirped pulse excitation in condensed phases
journal, March 1999

Rotational wavepacket revivals for phase modulation of ultrafast pulses
journal, May 2003

Ultrafast Laser Induced Molecular Alignment and Deformation: Experimental Evidence from Neutral Molecules and from Fragment Ions
journal, October 2003

All-optical processing in coherent nonlinear spectroscopy
journal, August 2004

Amplification of tailored white-light continuum
journal, June 2002

Evolutionary algorithms and their application to optimal control studies
journal, July 2001

Vibrational ladder climbing in NO by (sub)picosecond frequency-chirped infrared laser pulses
journal, June 1998

Using frequency-domain manipulation of stretched femtosecond laser pulses to create fast rise and fall times on picosecond pulses
journal, June 2002

Quantum control of coherent anti-Stokes Raman processes
journal, April 2002

Femtosecond Wavepacket Spectroscopy: Influence of Temperature, Wavelength, and Pulse Duration
journal, March 1995

Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference 3: Probing Microscopic Chemical Environments
journal, January 2004

Transform-Limited Pulses Are Not Optimal for Resonant Multiphoton Transitions
journal, January 2001

Programmable dispersion compensation and pulse shaping in a 26-fs chirped-pulse amplifier
journal, January 1998

Third-harmonic generation in positively dispersive gases with a novel cell
journal, January 1994

Laser pulse control of Raman processes by chirped non-adiabatic passage
journal, January 2000

Quantum wavefunction controllability
journal, June 2001

Techniques for the characterization of sub-10-fs optical pulses a comparison
journal, June 2000

Optical fibre-grating pulse compressors
journal, March 1988

Optical pulse shaping approaches to coherent control
journal, February 2003

Large-ratio stretch and recompression of sub-10-fs pulses utilizing dispersion managed devices and a spatial light modulator
journal, June 2002

Coherence control using the ratio of Rabi frequencies for complete coherent inversion in a four-level λ system
journal, January 1999

Frequency doubling of phase-modulated, ultrashort laser pulses
journal, September 2001

Multiobjective genetic approach for optimal control of photoinduced processes
journal, August 2007

Ultrafast transient-grating study of molecules after high intensity excitation
book, January 2001

Femtosecond pulse phase measurement by spectrally resolved up-conversion: application to continuum compression
journal, January 1992

Programmable shaping of a subterawatt, femtosecond laser pulse by modulating the spectral phase of the preamplified pulse
journal, December 2007

Femtosecond pulse shaping with space-to-time conversion based on planar optics
journal, January 2007

Coherent control of multiphoton transitions with femtosecond pulse shaping
journal, August 2001

Quantum Control of Molecular Dynamics: The Strong Response Regime
journal, September 1995

Intrapulse Dynamical Effects in Multiphoton Processes: Theoretical Analysis
journal, June 1998

Detection and control of molecular quantum dynamics
journal, October 1995

Semiclassical Dynamics and Quantum Control in Condensed Phases: Application to I2 in a Solid Argon Matrix
journal, January 1996

Simultaneous control of time-dependent population transfer dynamics and wave-packet quantum interferences in Li2 by shaped ultrafast pulses
journal, October 2002

Multiphoton-absorbing organic materials for microfabrication, emerging optical applications and non-destructive three-dimensional imaging
journal, September 2000

Time–frequency analysis of chirped femtosecond pulses using Wigner distribution function
journal, June 2002

Femtosecond pulse shaping as analytic tool in mass spectrometry of complex polyatomic systems
journal, March 2008

All fiber chirped-pulse amplification system based on compression in air-guiding photonic bandgap fiber
journal, January 2003

journal, October 2003

Cascaded free-induction decay four-wave mixing
journal, May 2001

The role of microscopic and macroscopic coherence in laser control
journal, June 2001

Ultrafast Molecular Reaction Dynamics in Real-Time Progress Over a Decade
journal, October 1990

Controlling the Femtochemistry of Fe(CO)5
journal, December 1999

Experimental Coherent Laser Control of Physicochemical Processes
journal, April 2004

Generation of 0.1-TW optical pulses with a single-stage Tisapphire amplifier at a 1-kHz repetition rate
journal, June 2000

Controlling ground-state rotational dynamics of molecules by shaped femtosecond laser pulses
journal, April 2004

Temporal coherent control induced by wave packet interferences in one and two photon atomic transitions
journal, June 1998

Coherent control multiphoton processes in semiconductor saturable Bragg reflector with freezing phase algorithm
journal, December 2004

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  • Applied Physics B, Vol. 80, Issue 3, p. 333-340