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U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Asymptotic preserving methods for fluid electron-fluid models in the large magnetic field limit with mathematically guaranteed properties (Final Report)

Technical Report ·
DOI:· OSTI ID:1872178
 [1];  [1];  [1];  [1]
  1. Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States)

The current manuscript is a final report on the activities carried out under the Project LDRD-CIS #226834. In scientific terms, the work reported in this manuscript is a continuation of the efforts started with Project LDRD-express #223796 with final report of activities SAND2021-11481, see [83]. In this section we briefly explain what pre-existing developments motivated the current body of work and provide an overview of the activities developed with the funds provided. The overarching goal of the current project LDRD-CIS #226834 and the previous project LDRD-express #223796 is the development of numerical methods with mathematically guaranteed properties in order to solve the Euler-Maxwell system of plasma physics and generalizations thereof. Even though Project #223796 laid out general foundations of space and time discretization of Euler-Maxwell system, overall, it was focused on the development of numerical schemes for purely electrostatic fluid-plasma models. In particular, the project developed a family of schemes with mathematically guaranteed robustness in order to solve the Euler-Poisson model. This model is an asymptotic limit where only electrostatic response of the plasma is considered. Its primary feature is the presence of a non-local force, the electrostatic force, which introduces effects with infinite speed propagation into the problem. Even though instantaneous propagation of perturbations may be considered nonphysical, there are plenty of physical regimes of technical interest where such an approximation is perfectly valid.

Research Organization:
Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA); USDOE Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
SAND2022-7930; 707249; TRN: US2308596
Country of Publication:
United States