Create New Account

An Award DOI Service account is required to submit information (metadata) needed to assign a DOI to an award record. An account is also required to updated metadata associated with an existing award record. Accounts are intended for individuals from award organizations authorized to assign award DOIs. Accounts are not intended for individual awardees/grantees.

To create an account, enter your first and last name, site code, official government email address, and password below. If your site is not listed in the Site Code list, please contact Once an account has been requested, it will be verified by OSTI prior to approval.

If your site is not listed in the Site Code list, please contact

All fields are required

Passwords Must:
  1.  Password length must be a minimum of 12 characters
  2.  Password cannot contain the login name (case-insensitive)
  3.  Password must not contain generic words or be a common password like "password"
  4.  Password must match Confirm password