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Title: Current Status of inclusive hadronic tau determinations of |V_us|

Journal Article · · SciPost Physics Proceedings
 [1];  [2];  [3];  [4];  [5];  [4];  [3];  [6];  [2];  [2];  [7]
  1. University of Adelaide, York University
  2. University of Edinburgh
  3. York University
  4. Brookhaven National Laboratory
  5. University of Southampton
  6. Nara Women's University, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  7. University of Adelaide

We review the status of the determination of \vert V_{us}\vert | V u s | from both flavor-breaking finite-energy sum rules based on inclusive non-strange and strange hadronic \tau τ decay data and the recent lattice-based analysis of inclusive strange hadronic \tau τ decay data. In particular, we update the results from these analysis frameworks taking into account recent improvements to a number of strange branching fractions reported by HFLAV at CKM2018 and this meeting. We find that inclusive \tau τ decay data yields results for \vert V_{us}\vert | V u s | compatible within errors with the expectations of three-family unitarity.

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Journal Information:
SciPost Physics Proceedings, Journal Name: SciPost Physics Proceedings Journal Issue: 1
Stichting SciPostCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
Country unknown/Code not available

References (29)

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