The Department of Energy Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (DOE PAGES) is the official DOE designated public access repository and discovery tool for peer-reviewed scholarly publications resulting from DOE funding. DOE PAGES is developed and maintained by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) and makes scholarly publications publicly accessible to read, download, and analyze.
DOE PAGES offers free public access to the best available full-text version of DOE-funded scholarly publications - either the peer-reviewed, accepted manuscript or the published scientific journal article. Full-text versions of accepted manuscripts and journal articles submitted to OSTI will be made available without delay.
For more information about DOE PAGES or its content please visit our
FAQs or contact us.
Public Access Policy
DOE PAGES helps fulfill DOE's approach to Public Access. Public access comprises the efforts of U.S. federal science agencies to increase access to unclassified scholarly publications and digital data resulting from federal research and development (R&D) funding. While OSTI has provided public access to DOE's unclassified R&D results throughout its history, the incremental change reflected in the 2023 DOE Public Access Plan is the addition of providing the full-text of DOE-funded scholarly publications immediately with no delay or embargo.
About the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), a unit of the Office of Science, fulfills agency-wide responsibilities to collect, preserve, and disseminate both unclassified and classified scientific and technical information (STI) emanating from DOE-funded research and development (R&D) activities at DOE national laboratories and facilities and at universities and other institutions nationwide. OSTI provides access to DOE STI through a suite of web-based, searchable discovery tools and through other commonly used search engines, offering ever-expanding sources of R&D information to DOE, the research community, and the science-attentive public.