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Accepted Manuscripts - Submission to the DOE Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (DOE PAGES)





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DOI Funder

This is an optional number created by the research organization or author. The recommended format is provided in the instructions.

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Name Type
This accepted manuscript will be made publicly available and discoverable through OSTI products after an administrative interval of 12 months from the publication date.

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique persistent identifier that references a digital object and provides long-term access; DOIs remain stable even if the underlying address or URL for the content changes.
Your DOI will auto-populate some of the required metadata, including title, author, and publication date.

Product Description

Accepted Manuscript Description






An ORCID® identifier (ORCID iD) is a unique, persistent, identifying number assigned to a researcher that helps distinguish his or her research activities from others with similar names. For more information, visit orcid.org.

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This is an optional number created by the research organization or author. The recommended format is provided in the instructions.

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Recipient / Contractor Point of Contact

Provide the organization or individual name with corresponding contact information who will serve as the point of contact for DOE if there are questions about the content of the Accepted Manuscript.

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Transmission Information

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Acceptable file formats are Adobe PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice and OpenDocument (.odt).

Acceptable file format is Adobe PDF (.pdf) only.


What is an accepted manuscript?

An accepted manuscript is the version of the article that has been accepted for publication by a publisher and includes changes made during the peer-review process, also known as the final peer-reviewed accepted manuscript. It includes the same content as the published article in the journal and may or may not include all of the publisher's form or format. Find more information and accepted manuscript examples.




Reminder: Please properly acknowledge the Federal Funding Agency as a funder in journal publication acknowledgement sections. View examples of required funding acknowledgements.


A few important tips...
  • Set your browser to accept all cookies before starting the submission process.
  • Required fields are indicated by red font.
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