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Title: Systems and methods for robotic sensing, repair and inspection


Various embodiments of a bio-inspired robot operable for detecting crack and corrosion defects in tubular structures are disclosed herein.

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Issue Date:
Research Org.:
Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (United States); Arrowhead Center, Las Cruces, NM (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
OSTI Identifier:
Patent Number(s):
Application Number:
Arizona Board of Regents on Behalf of Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ); Arrowead Center (Las Cruces, NM)
Patent Classifications (CPCs):
DOE Contract Number:  
Resource Type:
Resource Relation:
Patent File Date: 04/09/2020
Country of Publication:
United States

Citation Formats

Marvi, Hamidreza, Dehghan-Niri, Ehsan, and Ilami, Mahdi. Systems and methods for robotic sensing, repair and inspection. United States: N. p., 2022. Web.
Marvi, Hamidreza, Dehghan-Niri, Ehsan, & Ilami, Mahdi. Systems and methods for robotic sensing, repair and inspection. United States.
Marvi, Hamidreza, Dehghan-Niri, Ehsan, and Ilami, Mahdi. Tue . "Systems and methods for robotic sensing, repair and inspection". United States.
title = {Systems and methods for robotic sensing, repair and inspection},
author = {Marvi, Hamidreza and Dehghan-Niri, Ehsan and Ilami, Mahdi},
abstractNote = {Various embodiments of a bio-inspired robot operable for detecting crack and corrosion defects in tubular structures are disclosed herein.},
doi = {},
journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {2022},
month = {11}

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