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Title: High efficiency 2 micrometer laser utilizing wing-pumped Tm.sup.3+ and a laser diode array end-pumping architecture

Patent ·
OSTI ID:871241

Wing pumping a Tm.sup.3+ doped, end pumped solid state laser generates 2 .mu.m laser radiation at high average powers with high efficiency. Using laser diode arrays to end-pump the laser rod or slab in the wing of the Tm.sup.3+ absorption band near 785 nm results in 2-for-1 quantum efficiency in Tm.sup.3+ because high Tm.sup.3+ concentrations can be used. Wing pumping allows the thermal power generated in the rod or slab to be distributed over a large enough volume to make thermal management practical in the laser gain medium even at high average power operation. The approach is applicable to CW, Q-switched, and rep-pulsed free-laser operation.

Research Organization:
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)
DOE Contract Number:
Regents of University of California (Oakland, CA)
Patent Number(s):
US 5689522
Country of Publication:
United States

References (1)

A Tm3+ sensitized Ho3+ silica fibre laser at 2.04 μm pumped at 809 nm journal July 1994