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The impact of fuel and injection strategy on combustion characteristics, emissions and efficiency in gasoline compression ignition operation

Journal Article · · Fuel

Gasoline compression ignition in diesel engines has been proposed in order to meet increasingly stringent emission regulations without sacrificing efficiency. In this study, a six-cylinder heavy-duty diesel engine was operated in a mixing controlled gasoline compression ignition mode to investigate the influence of fuels and injection strategies on the combustion characteristics, emissions, and thermal efficiencies. Fuels, including ethanol (E), isobutanol (IB), and diisobutylene (DIB), were blended with a gasoline fuel to form E10, E30, IB30, and DIB30 based on volumetric fraction. These four blends along with gasoline formed the five test fuels. With these fuels, three injections strategies were investigated, including late pilot injection, early pilot injection, and port fuel injection/direct injection. The impact of moderate exhaust gas recirculation on nitrogen oxides and soot emissions was examined to determine the most promising fuel/injection strategy for emissions reduction. In addition, first and second law analyses were performed to provide insights into the efficiency, loss, and exergy destruction of the various gasoline fuel blends at low and medium load conditions. Overall, the emission output, thermal efficiency, and combustion performances of the five fuels were found to be similar and their differences are modest under most test conditions. E30 with the port/direct fuel injection strategy obtained the peak brake thermal efficiency (46.9%) and gross indicated thermal efficiency (52.2%) at 14 bar. At 7 bar, the peak brake thermal efficiency (44.2%) and gross indicated thermal efficiency (52.5%) also belonged to E30 with the late pilot injection strategy. The second law analysis revealed that exergy destruction was mostly influenced by the fuel type and not by the injection strategy for the 14 bar operating conditions. However, the opposite trend was observed for the 7 bar case. In addition, port fuel injection in combination with oxygenated fuel blends was found to be helpful to suppress soot emissions for operation with exhaust gas recirculation.

Research Organization:
Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) - Vehicle Technologies Office
DOE Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Fuel, Vol. 318
Country of Publication:
United States

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