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Electrical Potential Investigation of Reversible Metastability and Irreversible Degradation of CdTe Solar Cells

Journal Article · · Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

In this paper, we report on the stability of CdTe devices with a structure of TCO/MZO/CdSeTe/CdTe/back-contact. The device showed reversible transitions between the light-soak state (LSS) with the best device efficiency and the dark-soak state (DSS) with an inferior efficiency. However, it showed an irreversible degradation state (DgS) driven by long-hour light soaking at an elevated temperature. We have investigated transitions between these three states from the perspective of the electric field by nm-resolution potential imaging across the devices using Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). The results exhibit different anomalous electric field profiles. At the LSS, the electric field exhibits a main peak inside the CdSeTe layer instead of the MZO/CdSeTe heterointerface, illustrating a buried homojunction (BHJ) of the device. At the DSS, a large electric field peak at the MZO/CdSeTe interface was measured, which probably resulted in the inferior fill factor at the DSS. At the DgS, the electric field peak at the MZO/CdSeTe interface increased further and a third electric field was measured at the back contact of the device. Device modeling using COMSOL software, in alignment with both the electric field and device current-voltage curves, elucidates that a low n-doped CdSeTe in the region near the MZO/CdSeTe interface caused the BHJ in the LSS and a loss of MZO doping and/or increase of the conduction band offset spike due to long-term stress caused the increased electric field near the MZO/CdSeTe interface at the DgS.

Research Organization:
National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Renewable Power Office. Solar Energy Technologies Office
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
NREL/JA-5K00-80794; MainId:78572; UUID:ecd01ac4-5aa2-4e7e-9a72-472af5b3bdf5; MainAdminID:63849
Journal Information:
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 238
Country of Publication:
United States

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