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Electrocatalysts Development for Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Media: from Mechanism Understanding to Materials Design

Journal Article · · Chinese Journal of Catalysis

Anion exchange member (AEM) fuel cells have gained great attention recently mainly owing to the advantages of non-precious metal catalysts application. Despite of the similar oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) kinetics in acid and base, the reaction kinetics of hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) is two orders of magnitude slower in alkaline systems than in acid. To understand the slower kinetics of HOR in base, two major interpretations have been proposed, including 1) hydrogen binding energy as a major descriptor for HOR in both acid and base; and 2) bifunctional theory based on the contributions from both hydrogen and hydroxide adsorption for HOR in alkaline electrolyte. Here, we discuss the possible HOR mechanisms in alkaline electrolytes with the corresponding Tafel behavior change. Besides the discussion of traditional Tafel-Volmer and Heyrovsky-Volmer HOR mechanisms, the recently proposed hydroxide adsorption step is discussed to illustrate the HOR mechanism difference in acid and base. We further correlate the hydroxide adsorption step involved mechanism with HOR catalyst design, and summarize its role in HOR and HER activities improvement in alkaline electrolyte over the same catalyst. The representative works of alkaline HOR catalyst development were briefly introduced, and the strategy of strengthening interaction between H2 desorption and H2O recombination was finally proposed for future HOR catalyst design in alkaline environment.

Research Organization:
Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
Journal Information:
Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Vol. 42, Issue 12
Country of Publication:
United States

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