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Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Title: Grid infrastructure to support science portals for large scale instruments.

Conference ·
OSTI ID:775256

Soon, a new generation of scientific workbenches will be developed as a collaborative effort among various research institutions in the US. These scientific workbenches will be accessed in the Web via portals. Reusable components are needed to build such portals for different scientific disciplines, allowing uniform desktop access to remote resources. Such components will include tools and services enabling easy collaboration, job submission, job monitoring, component discovery, and persistent object storage. Based on experience gained from Grand Challenge applications for large-scale instruments, we demonstrate how Grid infrastructure components can be used to support the implementation of science portals. The availability of these components will simplify the prototype implementation of a common portal architecture.

Research Organization:
Argonne National Lab., IL (US)
Sponsoring Organization:
US Department of Energy (US)
DOE Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
ANL/MCS/CP-100087; TRN: AH200110%%176
Resource Relation:
Conference: Workshop Distributed Computing on the Web (DCW'99), Rostock (DE), 06/21/1999--06/23/1999; Other Information: PBD: 29 Sep 1999
Country of Publication:
United States