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Title: Distinct cellular expression and subcellular localization of Kv2 voltage‐gated K + channel subtypes in dorsal root ganglion neurons conserved between mice and humans

Journal Article · · Journal of Comparative Neurology
DOI: · OSTI ID:2294121
ORCiD logo [1];  [1];  [2];  [3]
  1. Department of Physiology and Membrane Biology University of California, Davis Davis California USA
  2. Washington University Pain Center Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis Missouri USA, Department of Anesthesiology Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis Missouri USA
  3. Department of Physiology and Membrane Biology University of California, Davis Davis California USA, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine University of California, Davis Davis California USA

Abstract The distinct organization of Kv2 voltage‐gated potassium channels on and near the cell body of brain neurons enables their regulation of action potentials and specialized membrane contact sites. Somatosensory neurons have a pseudounipolar morphology and transmit action potentials from peripheral nerve endings through axons that bifurcate to the spinal cord and the cell body within ganglia including the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Kv2 channels regulate action potentials in somatosensory neurons, yet little is known about where Kv2 channels are located. Here, we define the cellular and subcellular localization of the Kv2 paralogs, Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, in DRG somatosensory neurons with a panel of antibodies, cell markers, and genetically modified mice. We find that relative to spinal cord neurons, DRG neurons have similar levels of detectable Kv2.1 and higher levels of Kv2.2. In older mice, detectable Kv2.2 remains similar, while detectable Kv2.1 decreases. Both Kv2 subtypes adopt clustered subcellular patterns that are distinct from central neurons. Most DRG neurons co‐express Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, although neuron subpopulations show preferential expression of Kv2.1 or Kv2.2. We find that Kv2 protein expression and subcellular localization are similar between mouse and human DRG neurons. We conclude that the organization of both Kv2 channels is consistent with physiological roles in the somata and stem axons of DRG neurons. The general prevalence of Kv2.2 in DRG as compared to central neurons and the enrichment of Kv2.2 relative to detectable Kv2.1 in older mice, proprioceptors, and axons suggest more widespread roles for Kv2.2 in DRG neurons.

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Journal Information:
Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal Name: Journal of Comparative Neurology Vol. 532 Journal Issue: 2; ISSN 0021-9967
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States

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