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Title: Molecular redox-active organic materials for electrochemical carbon capture

Journal Article · · MRS communications

Abstract This prospective is a forward-looking outlook for researchers investigating electrochemical carbon capture utilizing molecular redox-active organic materials, with the following objectives: (1) identifying the essential components of an electrochemical carbon capture system, (2) introducing design principles for the system utilizing redox-active organic materials, encompassing their physicochemical properties and other critical factors, (3) presenting representative examples, and (4) promoting further experimental and theoretical studies on the application of redox-active organic materials for electrochemical carbon capture. Graphical abstract

Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
Grant/Contract Number:
FWP 76830
Journal Information:
MRS communications, Journal Name: MRS communications Vol. 13 Journal Issue: 6; ISSN 2159-6867
Cambridge University Press (CUP)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States

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