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Title: LensWatch. I. Resolved HST Observations and Constraints on the Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx (“SN Zwicky”)

Journal Article · · The Astrophysical Journal
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  1. Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD (United States)
  2. Stockholm Univ. (Sweden)
  3. Max Planck Society, Garching (Germany). Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics; Technische Univ. München, Garching (Germany)
  4. University of San Francisco, CA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)
  5. California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena, CA (United States)
  6. Univ. degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
  7. Univ. of Chicago, IL (United States)
  8. Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing (China)
  9. Stanford Univ., CA (United States); SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Menlo Park, CA (United States); Stony Brook Univ., NY (United States)
  10. University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
  11. Univ. of Copenhagen (Denmark). The Niels Bohr Inst.
  12. Max Planck Society, Garching (Germany). Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics; Technische Univ. München, Garching (Germany); Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) (Taiwan)
  13. Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)
  14. National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research (NOIR) Laboratory, Tuscon, AZ (United States)
  15. Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL (United States)
  16. Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (EPFL) (Switzerland)
  17. San Diego State Univ., CA (United States)
  18. Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
  19. Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ (United States)
  20. Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (Spain)
  21. Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland)
  22. Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (China)
  23. Max Planck Society, Garching (Germany). Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics; Liverpool John Moores Univ. (United Kingdom)
  24. Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (Spain); Univ. of La Laguna (Spain)
  25. Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD (United States); Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD (United States)
  26. Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA (United States)
  27. Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom)
  28. Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (United States)
  29. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD (United States)

Supernovae (SNe) that have been multiply imaged by gravitational lensing are rare and powerful probes for cosmology. Each detection is an opportunity to develop the critical tools and methodologies needed as the sample of lensed SNe increases by orders of magnitude with the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The latest such discovery is of the quadruply imaged Type Ia SN 2022qmx (aka, "SN Zwicky") at z = 0.3544. SN Zwicky was discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility in spatially unresolved data. Here we present follow-up Hubble Space Telescope observations of SN Zwicky, the first from the multicycle "LensWatch (" program. We measure photometry for each of the four images of SN Zwicky, which are resolved in three WFC3/UVIS filters (F475W, F625W, and F814W) but unresolved with WFC3/IR F160W, and present an analysis of the lensing system using a variety of independent lens modeling methods. We find consistency between lens-model-predicted time delays (≲1 day), and delays estimated with the single epoch of Hubble Space Telescope colors (≲3.5 days), including the uncertainty from chromatic microlensing (~1–1.5 days). Our lens models converge to an Einstein radius of $${\theta }_{{\rm{E}}}=({0.168}_{-0.005}^{+0.009})^{\prime\prime} $$, the smallest yet seen in a lensed SN system. The "standard candle" nature of SN Zwicky provides magnification estimates independent of the lens modeling that are brighter than predicted by $$\sim {1.7}_{-0.6}^{+0.8}$$ mag and $$\sim {0.9}_{-0.6}^{+0.8}$$ mag for two of the four images, suggesting significant microlensing and/or additional substructure beyond the flexibility of our image-position mass models.

Research Organization:
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Menlo Park, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Science Foundation (NSF)
Grant/Contract Number:
Journal Information:
The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 948, Issue 2; ISSN 0004-637X
IOP PublishingCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States

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