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Title: Long-term effects of three types of permeable pavements on nutrient infiltrate concentrations

Journal Article · · Science of the Total Environment

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Journal Information:
Science of the Total Environment, Journal Name: Science of the Total Environment Vol. 670 Journal Issue: C; ISSN 0048-9697
ElsevierCopyright Statement
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Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 24 works
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Web of Science

References (24)

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Seasonal Variability in Stormwater Quality Treatment of Permeable Pavements Situated Over Heavy Clay and in a Cold Climate journal April 2016
Side-by-Side Comparison of Nitrogen Species Removal for Four Types of Permeable Pavement and Standard Asphalt in Eastern North Carolina journal June 2010
Urban Runoff Mitigation by a Permeable Pavement System over Impermeable Soils journal June 2010
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Multiple Imputation after 18+ Years journal June 1996
Organism Detection in Permeable Pavement Parking Lot Infiltrates at the Edison Environmental Center, New Jersey journal January 2018
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Review of permeable pavement systems journal November 2007
Evaluation of Surface Infiltration Testing Procedures in Permeable Pavement Systems journal March 2014
Examination of the Material Found in the Pore Spaces of Two Permeable Pavements journal April 2013
Stormwater quality of spring–summer-fall effluent from three partial-infiltration permeable pavement systems and conventional asphalt pavement journal June 2014
Evaluation of permeable pavement responses to urban surface runoff journal February 2017
Seasonal Performance Variations for Storm-Water Management Systems in Cold Climate Conditions journal March 2009
Investigation clogging dynamic of permeable pavement systems using embedded sensors journal February 2018
Potential for localized groundwater contamination in a porous pavement parking lot setting in Rhode Island journal September 2007
Hydrologic and water quality performance of permeable pavement with internal water storage over a clay soil in Durham, North Carolina journal October 2018
Winter Effluent Quality from Partial-Infiltration Permeable Pavement Systems journal November 2014
Hydrologic Comparison of Four Types of Permeable Pavement and Standard Asphalt in Eastern North Carolina journal December 2008
Performances of metal concentrations from three permeable pavement infiltrates journal June 2018
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Nutrient infiltrate concentrations from three permeable pavement types journal December 2015

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