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Title: Search for the Dark Photon and the Dark Higgs Boson at Belle

Journal Article · · Physical Review Letters
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The dark photon A ' and the dark Higgs boson h' are hypothetical constituents featured in a number of recently proposed dark sector models. Assuming prompt decays of both dark particles, we search for their production in the so-called Higgstrahlung channel e + e - A ' h ' , with h'A'A' . We investigate ten exclusive final states with A'e+e- , μ+μ- , or π+π- in the mass ranges 0.1 GeV / c 2 < m A ' < 3.5 GeV / c 2 and 0.2 GeV / c 2 < m h ' < 10.5 GeV / c 2 . We also investigate three inclusive final states 2(e+e-)X , 2(μ+μ-)X , and (e+e-)(μ+μ-)X , where X denotes a dark photon candidate detected via missing mass, in the mass ranges 1.1 GeV / c 2 < m A ' < 3.5 GeV / c 2 and 2.2 GeV / c 2 < m h ' < 10.5 GeV / c 2 . Using the entire 977 fb - 1 data set collected by Belle, we determine no significant signal. Here, we obtain individual and combined 90% credibility level upper limits on the branching fraction times the Born cross section, B × σ Born , on the Born cross section σ Born , and on the dark photon coupling to the dark Higgs boson times the kinetic mixing between the standard model photon and the dark photon, α D × ε 2 . These limits improve upon and cover wider mass ranges than previous experiments. The limits from the final states 3 ( π + π - ) and 2(e+e-)X are the first placed by any experiment. For α D equal to 1 / 137 , m h ' < 8 GeV / c 2 , and m A ' < 1 GeV / c 2 , we exclude values of the mixing parameter ε above ~ 8×10-4.

Research Organization:
Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA (United States); Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), High Energy Physics (HEP); USDOE
Contributing Organization:
Belle Collaboration
Grant/Contract Number:
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1224597
Journal Information:
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 114, Issue 21; ISSN 0031-9007
American Physical Society (APS)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 38 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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Cited By (4)

Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case journal October 2019
Dark-photon searches via Z H production at e + e − colliders journal September 2017
Lepton-Flavor Violating Mediators text January 2016
Long-Lived Particles at the Energy Frontier: The MATHUSLA Physics Case text January 2018

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