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Title: Biogeographic classification of streams using fish community– and trait–environment relationships

Journal Article · · Diversity and Distributions
DOI: · OSTI ID:1573279
 [1]; ORCiD logo [2];
  1. Department of Environmental Science and Ecology The University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio Texas
  2. Department of Environmental Science Baylor University Waco Texas

Abstract Aim Present a hybrid biogeographic and environmentally constrained clustering approach to classify ~853,000 stream reaches in the eastern United States. Examine the frequency of stream typologies in the landscape relative to anthropogenic stressors to identify potential stream conservation needs. Location Eastern United States. Methods Fish communities at 956 least‐disturbed sampling reaches were characterized using taxonomic and functional composition of native species. Environmental variables summarized within stream reaches included stream discharge, channel gradient, hydrologic regime, summer water temperature and boundaries of freshwater ecoregions. Multivariate regression trees were used to relate environmental variables to fish communities while simultaneously developing taxa‐ and trait‐specific biogeographic classifications. We then overlaid stream classifications with indices of anthropogenic disturbances to evaluate rarity and risk of complete loss of natural representation of stream types. Results Taxonomically based classes represented a combination of ecoregional boundaries and environmental gradients, whereas temperature gradients were most important in differentiating functional composition. An optimal taxonomy‐based classification contained 13 classes and explained 26.4% of community variation, and the optimal trait‐based classification contained 6 classes, explaining 25.2% of community variation. Overlaying class maps with an anthropogenic disturbance index revealed substantial variation in the severity of degradation among classes relative to their abundance in the landscape, especially rare classes (i.e., large rivers and cold headwater systems). Main conclusions We demonstrate the value of integrating local, regional and historical biogeographic factors with taxonomic and functional characteristics of freshwater biota to classify ecosystems based on mechanistic biota–environment relationships. This approach is important to addressing the challenge of developing stream classifications that reconcile the environmental drivers of community trait composition with the constraints of biogeographic regionality at large spatial scales. Furthermore, the spatially explicit and high‐resolution maps disseminated here can uniquely inform management decisions regarding anthropogenic threats to the biodiverse freshwaters of the eastern United States.

Sponsoring Organization:
Grant/Contract Number:
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1573280
Journal Information:
Diversity and Distributions, Journal Name: Diversity and Distributions Vol. 26 Journal Issue: 1; ISSN 1366-9516
Wiley-BlackwellCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United Kingdom
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 9 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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