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Title: The holographic dual of Rényi relative entropy

Journal Article · · Journal of High Energy Physics (Online)
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  1. Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, Berkeley, CA (United States); Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)
  2. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (United States)

The relative entropy is a measure of the distinguishability of two quantum states. A great deal of progress has been made in the study of the relative entropy between an excited state and the vacuum state of a conformal field theory (CFT) reduced to a spherical region. For example, when the excited state is a small perturbation of the vacuum state, the relative entropy is known to have a universal expression for all CFT’s. Specifically, the perturbative relative entropy can be written as the symplectic flux of a certain scalar field in an auxiliary AdS-Rindler spacetime. Moreover, if the CFT has a semi-classical holographic dual, the relative entropy is known to be related to conserved charges in the bulk dual spacetime. In this paper, we introduce a one-parameter generalization of the relative entropy which we call refined Rényi relative entropy. We study this quantity in CFT’s and find a one-parameter generalization of the aforementioned known results about the relative entropy. We also discuss a new family of positive energy theorems in asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes that arises from the holographic dual of the refined Rényi relative entropy.

Research Organization:
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Advanced Scientific Computing Research (SC-21)
Grant/Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
BNL-212134-2019-JAAM; TRN: US2001007
Journal Information:
Journal of High Energy Physics (Online), Vol. 2019, Issue 8; ISSN 1029-8479
Springer BerlinCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 6 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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Figures / Tables (3)

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