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Title: Freestanding Oxide Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memories Transferred onto Silicon

Journal Article · · Nano Letters
ORCiD logo [1];  [1]; ORCiD logo [2];  [3];  [2]
  1. Stanford Univ., CA (United States)
  2. Stanford Univ., CA (United States); SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States)
  3. SLAC National Accelerator Lab., Menlo Park, CA (United States)

Crystalline oxide ferroelectric tunnel junctions allow persistent encoding of information in electric polarization, featuring nondestructive readout and scalability that can exceed current commercial high-speed, nonvolatile ferroelectric memories. Yet, the well-established fabrication of epitaxial devices on oxide substrates is difficult to adapt to silicon substrates for integration into complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor electronics. In this work, we report ferroelectric tunnel junctions based on 2.8 nm-thick BaTiO3 films grown epitaxially on SrTiO3 growth substrates, released, and relaminated onto silicon. The performance of the transferred devices is comparable to devices characterized on the oxide substrate, suggesting a viable route toward next-generation nonvolatile memories broadly integrable with different materials platforms.

Research Organization:
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC), Menlo Park, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES) (SC-22). Materials Sciences & Engineering Division; US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
Grant/Contract Number:
GBMF4415; FA9550-18-1-0480; AC02-76SF00515
Journal Information:
Nano Letters, Vol. 19, Issue 6; ISSN 1530-6984
American Chemical SocietyCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 52 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

References (28)

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Cited By (3)

Giant Uniaxial Strain Ferroelectric Domain Tuning in Freestanding PbTiO 3 Films journal April 2020
Conductive Oxide Interfaces for Field Effect Devices journal June 2019
Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions: Modulations on the Potential Barrier journal October 2019