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Title: Experimental Investigation and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of a Novel Flash Ironmaking Process Based on Partial Combustion of Natural Gas in a Reactor

Journal Article · · Steel Research International

A large‐scale bench reactor (LSBR) is operated at the University of Utah to develop a novel flash ironmaking process. The reactor vessel is a refractory‐lined furnace with 0.8 m in diameter and 2.1 m in length, with a capacity of processing 1–7 kg h −1 of magnetite concentrate. Natural gas is partially oxidized with oxygen in a uniquely designed burner, producing a short flame that provides heat (1423–1873 K) and a reducing gas mixture (hydrogen and carbon monoxide). The reducing gas reacts with magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) concentrate particles to produce metallic iron. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed to simulate the LSBR runs, in which the kinetics of magnetite concentrate reduction, separately determined in a drop‐tube reactor, is incorporated. The reduction degrees and composition of the off‐gas obtained from the CFD model show reasonable agreements with the experimental results.

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Journal Information:
Steel Research International, Journal Name: Steel Research International Vol. 90 Journal Issue: 9; ISSN 1611-3683
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)Copyright Statement
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Cited by: 11 works
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Web of Science

References (19)

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