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Title: Chiral Recognition of Lipid Bilayer Membranes by Supramolecular Assemblies of Peptide Amphiphiles

Journal Article · · ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

On the basis of the exclusive existence of homochirality in biomolecules and the well-known phenomenon of chiral recognition, it is obvious that chirality is a crucial factor in biological events. We report here that supramolecular assemblies of peptide amphiphiles interact with lipid bilayer membranes in a stereospecific manner. When negatively charged chiral phospholipid bilayer vesicles were subjected to the assemblies, we found that peptide amphiphiles with l-amino acids show stronger affinity for the liposomes compared to the ones with d-amino acids. To examine their biological functions, we tested the cytotoxicity of nanofibers against mammalian primary cells using human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and murine astroglial cells. In this work, we demonstrated that cell viability increased when d-amino acids were incorporated in the structure of peptide amphiphiles, which is consistent with our finding of their weaker interactions with lipid bilayer membranes.

Research Organization:
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Advanced Photon Source (APS); Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) (United States). Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Sciences (CBES); Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) (United States). Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science (CBES)
Sponsoring Organization:
National Science Foundation (NSF); International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN); Keck Foundation; State of Illinois; US Army Research Office (ARO); US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRDC); Northwestern University; E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.; The Dow Chemical Company; USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); Research Foundation Flanders; Paralyzed Veterans of America Research Foundation; USDOE
Grant/Contract Number:
AC02-06CH11357; 0960140; SC0000989; 18H05971; V468915N; PVA17_RF_0008
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1822218; OSTI ID: 1846654
Journal Information:
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 6; ISSN 2373-9878
American Chemical Society (ACS)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 24 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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