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Title: Cumulative Spatial Impact Layers: A Novel Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Analytical Summarization Tool

Journal Article · · Transactions in GIS
DOI: · OSTI ID:1524454

Abstract Scientific inquiry often requires analysis of multiple spatio‐temporal datasets, ranging in type and size, using complex multi‐step processes demanding an understanding of GIS theory and software. Cumulative spatial impact layers (CSIL) is a GIS‐based tool that summarizes spatio‐temporal datasets based on overlapping features and attributes. Leveraging a recursive quadtree method, and applying multiple additive frameworks, the CSIL tool allows users to analyze raster and vector datasets by calculating data, record, or attribute density. Providing an efficient and robust method for summarizing disparate, multi‐format, multi‐source geospatial data, CSIL addresses the need for a new integration approach and resulting geospatial product. The built‐in flexibility of the CSIL tool allows users to answer a range of spatially driven questions. Example applications are provided in this article to illustrate the versatility and variety of uses for this CSIL tool and method. Use cases include addressing regulatory decision‐making needs, economic modeling, and resource management. Performance reviews for each use case are also presented, demonstrating how CSIL provides a more efficient and robust approach to assess a range of multivariate spatial data for a variety of uses.

Research Organization:
National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Albany, OR (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE); USDOE
Grant/Contract Number:
FE0004000; 122409
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1545898
Journal Information:
Transactions in GIS, Vol. 23, Issue 5; ISSN 1467-9671
WileyCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States

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