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Title: Monitoring the effectiveness of floodplain habitat restoration: A review of methods and recommendations for future monitoring

Journal Article · · WIRES. Water
DOI: · OSTI ID:1524102

Abstract Floodplains are some of the most ecologically important and human‐impacted habitats throughout the world. Large efforts are underway in North America, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere to restore floodplain habitats, not only to increase fish and aquatic biota but to restore ecological diversity. As the scale, number, and complexity of floodplain restoration projects has increased, so has the need for rigorous monitoring and evaluation to demonstrate effectiveness and guide future floodplain restoration efforts. Moreover, technological advances in remote sensing, genetics, and fish marking have been evolving rapidly and there is need to update guidance on the best methods for monitoring physical and biological response to floodplain restoration. A comprehensive review of the restoration literature located 180 papers that specifically examined the effectiveness of various floodplain restoration techniques. The various methods that were historically and currently used to evaluate the physical (channel and floodplain morphology, sediment, flow, water quality [temperature and nutrients]) and biological (fish, invertebrates, and aquatic and riparian plants) effectiveness of floodplain restoration were reviewed and used to provide recommendations for future monitoring. For each major physical and biological monitoring method, we discuss their importance, how they have historically been used to evaluate floodplain restoration, newer methodologies, and limitations or advantages of different methodologies and approaches. We then discuss monitoring the effectiveness of small (<2 km in main channel length) and large (>2 km of main channel length) floodplain projects, with recommendations for various study designs, parameters, and monitoring methodologies. This article is categorized under: Water and Life > Conservation, Management, and Awareness Water and Life > Methods

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Journal Information:
WIRES. Water, Journal Name: WIRES. Water Vol. 6 Journal Issue: 4; ISSN 2049-1948
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 22 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

References (147)

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