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Title: The effect of spatial aperture variations on the thermal performance of discretely fractured geothermal reservoirs

Journal Article · · Geothermal Energy

The effect of spatial aperture variations on the thermal performance of discretely fractured geothermal reservoirs was investigated using finite element method solutions to the convective heat transfer in the fracture coupled with a boundary integral description of conductive heat transfer in the rock. The dipolar flow was generated by a source of fluid volume at an injection well and a sink at a production well within a circular fracture. The statistics of the thermal performance of an ensemble of fracture realizations was evaluated. Fractures with self-affine aperture fields where long range correlations dominant over short range correlations were generated. The results showed that spatial aperture variations most frequently lead to diminished thermal performance by creating flow channeling that reduces the heat transfer area. Enhanced thermal performance occurred in the less common cases when the aperture was small in the region between the wellbores, causing fluid flow to sweep out greater areas of the fracture and extract heat from a larger area. The standard deviation of the apertures had the largest influence on the thermal performance, while the spatial correlation of the aperture played a secondary role. Larger values of the standard deviation led to more adverse thermal performance. For the range of standard deviations investigated, the fraction of fractures exhibiting enhanced thermal performance compared to the base case of no aperture variations ranged from 34 to 49 %. The degradation of thermal performance due to aperture variations was largest when the well bore spacing was a larger fraction of the fracture diameter. Reservoirs consisting of two non-intersecting fractures connected to the same injection and production wells were also modeled. The uneven split of the flow between the reservoirs in this case caused a further deterioration of thermal performance compared with the single fracture reservoirs. However, flow control was able to overcome nearly all of the additional loss of thermal performance for the multifracture reservoir.

Research Organization:
Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
Grant/Contract Number:
EE0006764; EE0000842
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1843948
Journal Information:
Geothermal Energy, Vol. 3, Issue 1; ISSN 2195-9706
SpringerCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 40 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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