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Title: The MSR mass and the $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\Lambda}_{\mathrm{QCD}}\right) $$ renormalon sum rule

Journal Article · · Journal of High Energy Physics (Online)
 [1];  [2];  [1];  [3]; ORCiD logo [4];  [5];  [6]
  1. Univ. of Vienna, Wien (Austria)
  2. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, Bhopal (India)
  3. Univ. de Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain); Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM-CSIC, Madrid (Spain)
  4. Univ. of Vienna, Wien (Austria); Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)
  5. Univ. Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid (Spain)
  6. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)

Here, we provide a detailed description and analysis of a low-scale short-distance mass scheme, called the MSR mass, that is useful for high-precision top quark mass determinations, but can be applied for any heavy quark Q. In contrast to earlier low-scale short-distance mass schemes, the MSR scheme has a direct connection to the well known MS¯ mass commonly used for high-energy applications, and is determined by heavy quark on-shell self-energy Feynman diagrams. Indeed, the MSR mass scheme can be viewed as the simplest extension of the MS¯mass concept to renormalization scales << mQ. The MSR mass depends on a scale R that can be chosen freely, and its renormalization group evolution has a linear dependence on R, which is known as R-evolution. Using R-evolution for the MSR mass we provide details of the derivation of an analytic expression for the normalization of the $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\Lambda}_{\mathrm{QCD}}\right) $$ renormalon asymptotic behavior of the pole mass in perturbation theory. This is referred to as the $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\Lambda}_{\mathrm{QCD}}\right) $$ renormalon sum rule, and can be applied to any perturbative series. The relations of the MSR mass scheme to other low-scale short-distance masses are analyzed as well.

Research Organization:
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC)
Grant/Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Journal of High Energy Physics (Online), Vol. 2018, Issue 4; ISSN 1029-8479
Springer BerlinCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 35 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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