The Mu2e Experiment
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)
The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged-lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus. The conversion process results in a monochromatic electron with an energy of 104.97 MeV, slightly below the muon rest mass. The goal of the experiment is to improve the previous upper limit by four orders of magnitude and reach a SES (single event sensitivity) of $$3 \times 10^{-17}$$ on the conversion rate, a 90% CL of $$8 \times 10^{-17}$$, and a $$5\sigma$$ discovery reach at $$2 \times 10^{-16}$$. The experiment will use an intense pulsed negative muon beam. The pulsed beam is essential to reducing backgrounds. The other essential element is a sophisticated magnetic system composed of three consecutive solenoids that form the muon beam. Mu2e will use an aluminum target and examine $$\sim10^{18}$$ stopped muons in three years of running. The Mu2e experiment is under design and construction at the Fermilab Muon Campus. The experiment will begin operations in 2022 and will require about three years of data-taking. Upgrades to other materials than aluminum are already being planned. This article is written specifically for younger researchers to bridge the gap between conference presentations and detailed design reports, and examines issues not covered in the former without the details of the latter.
- Research Organization:
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Science (SC), High Energy Physics (HEP)
- Grant/Contract Number:
- AC02-07CH11359
- 1493031
- Report Number(s):
- arXiv:1901.11099; FERMILAB-PUB-18-424-PPD; 1717857
- Journal Information:
- Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 7; ISSN 2296-424X
- Publisher:
- Frontiers Research FoundationCopyright Statement
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
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