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Title: Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at ν = 2 + 6 / 13 : The Parton Paradigm for the Second Landau Level

Journal Article · · Physical Review Letters
 [1];  [2];  [2];  [3];  [1];  [4]
  1. Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Denmark)
  2. Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul (Korea)
  3. Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (United States)
  4. Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States)

Here, the unexpected appearance of a fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) plateau at ν = 2 + 6/13 offers a clue into the physical mechanism of the FQHE in the second Landau level (SLL). Here we propose a “ $$\bar{3}$$ $$\bar{2}$$111” parton wave function, which is topologically distinct from the 6/13 state in the lowest Landau level. We demonstrate the $$\bar{3}$$ $$\bar{2}$$111 state to be a good candidate for the ν = 2 + 6/13 FQHE, and make predictions for experimentally measurable properties that can reveal the nature of this state. Furthermore, we propose that the “n$$\bar{2}$$111” family of parton states naturally describes many observed SLL FQHE plateaus.

Research Organization:
Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES); USDOE
Grant/Contract Number:
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1480372
Journal Information:
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 121, Issue 18; ISSN 0031-9007
American Physical Society (APS)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 16 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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