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Title: Kerr nonlinearity in a superconducting Josephson metamaterial

Journal Article · · Physical Review B
 [1];  [2];  [3];  [4];  [1];  [1];  [1];  [2];  [2];  [1];  [1];  [1]
  1. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (France)
  2. Univ. Grenoble Alpes and CNRS, Grenoble (France)
  3. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (France); Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm (Sweden)
  4. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (France); Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)

Here, we present a detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of the dispersion and nonlinear Kerr frequency shifts of plasma modes in a one-dimensional Josephson junction chain containing 500 superconducting quantum interfence devices in the regime of weak nonlinearity. The measured low-power dispersion curve agrees perfectly with the theoretical model if we take into account the Kerr renormalization of the bare frequencies and the long-range nature of the island charge screening by a remote ground plane. We measured the self- and cross-Kerr shifts for the frequencies of the eight lowest modes in the chain. We compare the measured Kerr coefficients with theory and find good agreement.

Research Organization:
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
European Research Council (ERC); USDOE
Grant/Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Physical Review B, Vol. 98, Issue 9; ISSN 2469-9950
American Physical Society (APS)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 26 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

References (52)

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Cited By (7)

A general characterization method for nonlinearities in superconducting circuits journal May 2019
Understanding the Saturation Power of Josephson Parametric Amplifiers Made from SQUID Arrays journal March 2019
Josephson Array-Mode Parametric Amplifier journal February 2020
Nondegenerate Parametric Amplifiers Based on Dispersion-Engineered Josephson-Junction Arrays journal February 2020
Internally resonant wave energy exchange in weakly nonlinear lattices and metamaterials journal September 2019
Understanding the saturation power of Josephson Parametric Amplifiers made from SQUIDs arrays text January 2018
Josephson Array Mode Parametric Amplifier text January 2019

Figures / Tables (15)