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Title: Interstitial migration behavior and defect evolution in ion irradiated pure nickel and Ni-xFe binary alloys

Journal Article · · Journal of Nuclear Materials
 [1];  [1];  [1]; ORCiD logo [1]; ORCiD logo [2];  [3]; ORCiD logo [2];  [3];  [1];  [1]; ORCiD logo [4];  [5]; ORCiD logo [2]; ORCiD logo [3];  [5]
  1. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
  2. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Materials Science & Technology Division
  3. Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
  4. Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Materials Science & Technology Division; Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
  5. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, and Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

Transition from long-range one-dimensional to short-range three-dimensional migration modes of interstitial defect clusters greatly reduces the damage accumulation in single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys under ion irradiation. A synergetic investigation with experimental, computational and modeling approaches revealed that both the resistance to void swelling and the delay in dislocation evolution in Ni-Fe alloys increased with iron concentration. This was attributed to the gradually increased sluggishness of defect migration, which enhances interstitial and vacancy recombination. Transition from long-range one-dimensional defect motion in pure nickel to short-range three-dimensional motion in concentrated Ni-Fe alloys is continuum, not abrupt, and within an iron concentration range up to 20%. Lastly, the gradual transition process can be quantitatively characterized by the mean free path of the interstitial defect clusters.

Research Organization:
Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) (United States). Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE); Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
Grant/Contract Number:
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1548035
Journal Information:
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 509, Issue C; ISSN 0022-3115
ElsevierCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 30 works
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