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Title: The Geomagnetic Tail

Journal Article · · Reviews of Geophysics (1985)
  1. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

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Journal Information:
Reviews of Geophysics (1985), Journal Name: Reviews of Geophysics (1985) Vol. 29 Journal Issue: S2; ISSN 8755-1209
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 11 works
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Web of Science

References (180)

The magnetic field of the equatorial magnetotail from 10 to 40 R E journal January 1986
Magnetospheric substorms: An equivalent circuit approach journal January 1988
The theta aurora journal January 1986
On the 3-dimensional structure of plasmoids journal June 1987
Substorm currents: Growth phase and onset journal January 1987
A 2½-dimensional magnetic field model of plasmoids book January 1990
Finite-Larmor-radius effect on field-aligned currents in hydromagnetic waves journal January 1987
Tearing instability in an anisotropic neutral sheet journal January 1984
Isotropized Magnetic-Moment Equation of State for the Central Plasma Sheet journal March 1990
Self-consistent magnetotail theory: Equilibrium structures including arbitrary variation along the tail axis journal November 1983
Current sheet thickness in the near-earth plasma sheet during substorm growth phase as inferred from simultaneous magnetotail and ground-based observations journal January 1988
Average plasma properties in the central plasma sheet journal June 1989
Dynamics of the near-earth magnetotail—Recent Observations book January 1988
Magnetic flux ropes in 3-Dimensional MHD simulations book January 1990
Relaxation of magnetotail plasmas with field-aligned currents journal January 1989
IMP-8 observations of traveling compression regions: New evidence for near-Earth plasmoids and neutral lines journal June 1990
Current carriers in the near-Earth cross-tail current sheet during substorm growth phase journal April 1990
A new model for the ion beams in the plasma sheet boundary layer journal January 1987
On open and closed field line regions in Tsyganenko's field model and their possible associations with horse collar auroras journal January 1991
Solar wind triggering of substorm expansion onset. journal January 1986
IMF control of geomagnetic activity journal January 1988
Fast Fermi acceleration in the plasma sheet boundary layer journal October 1989
Relaxation of magnetotail plasmas journal January 1987
North-south and dawn-dusk plasma asymmetries in the distant tail lobes: ISEE 3 journal January 1985
Particle acceleration during substorm growth and onset journal April 1990
Observational signatures of nonlinear magnetotail particle dynamics journal November 1990
Streaming sausage, kink and tearing instabilities in a current sheet with applications to the Earth's magnetotail journal January 1988
Large scale response of the magnetosphere to a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field journal January 1987
ISEE 1 and 2 observations of ion distributions at the plasma sheet-tail lobe boundary journal January 1988
Representations of currents and magnetic fields in isotropic magnetohydrostatic plasma journal January 1990
Plasma sheet convection and the stability of the magnetotail journal November 1990
Steady state magnetic field configurations for the Earth's magnetotail journal January 1989
The thermal catastrophe model of substorms journal June 1989
Comment on “Large-scale response of the magnetosphere to a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field” by J. A. Sauvaud et al. journal January 1989
Counter-streaming electrons at the geomagnetic equator near 9 R E journal October 1988
Large-scale instabilities and dynamics of the magnetotail plasma sheet book January 1988
A theory of the substorm mechanism journal July 1974
Global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the magnetosphere journal April 1989
The kinetic approach in magnetospheric plasma transport modeling book January 1988
Magnetic field configuration of the Theta aurora journal April 1990
Association of plasma sheet variations with auroral changes during substorms journal January 1988
Substorm breakup on closed field lines journal January 1988
The variation of the plasma sheet polytropic index along the midnight meridian in a finite width magnetotail journal April 1990
Relativistic electrons near geostationary orbit: Evidence for internal magnetospheric acceleration journal June 1989
Linear theory of driven reconnection journal January 1988
The absence of region 1/Region 2 field-aligned currents during prolonged quiet times journal July 1987
Reply [to “Comment on “Large-scale response of the magnetosphere to a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field” by J. A. Sauvaud et al.”] journal January 1989
Self-consistent theory of time-dependent convection in the Earth's magnetotail journal January 1982
Merging of aircraft vortex trails: Similarities to magnetic field merging journal January 1989
Making connections between global magnetospheric models and simulations of microscopic plasma processes book January 1988
Field-aligned currents associated with substorms in the vicinity of synchronous orbit: 2. GOES 2 and GOES 3 observations journal January 1987
Field-aligned current signatures in the near-tail region: 1. ISEE observations in the plasma sheet boundary layer journal January 1988
Source-surface model of the magnetosphere journal March 1987
Decay of correlations and the collisionless conductivity in the geomagnetic tail journal February 1990
Chaotic scattering and acceleration of ions in the Earth's magnetotail journal December 1990
Three-dimensional equilibria for the extended magnetotail and the generation of field-aligned current sheets journal January 1989
Equilibrium structure of the plasma sheet boundary layer-lobe interface journal December 1990
The separatrix tentacle effect of ion acceleration to the plasma sheet boundary journal February 1990
Determination of the polytropic index in the plasma sheet journal April 1989
Magnetic islands in the near geomagnetic tail and its implications for the mechanism of 1054 UT CDAW 6 substorm book January 1990
Study of a substorm on May 4, 1986 journal January 1988
On the tearing mode in quasi-neutral sheets journal January 1980
Imaging results from Dynamics Explorer 1 journal January 1988
General magnetic reconnection, parallel electric fields, and helicity journal January 1988
The possible role of ionospheric oxygen in the initiation and development of plasma sheet instabilities journal December 1982
Ion distributions in a two-dimensional reconnection field geometry journal February 1987
Multipoint measurements of magnetotail dynamics journal January 1988
A case study of magnetotail current sheet disruption and diversion journal July 1988
Tail modeling in a stretched magnetosphere: 1. Methods and transformations journal January 1987
Non-substorm transient injection events in the ionosphere and magnetosphere journal February 1990
Magnetohydrodynamic boundary conditions for global models book January 1988
Determination of the magnetospheric current system parameters and development of experimental geomagnetic field models based on data from IMP and HEOS satellites journal October 1982
Field-aligned currents and magnetospheric convection—A comparison between MHD simulations and observations book January 1988
Filamentary structure of a three-dimensional plasmoid journal January 1989
Plasma sheet theories book January 1988
The effects of a magnetic B y component on geomagnetic tail equilibria journal January 1987
Topological Dissipation and the Small-Scale Fields in Turbulent Gases journal June 1972
Field-aligned currents associated with substorms in the vicinity of synchronous orbit: 1. The July 5, 1979, substorm observed by SCATHA, GOES 3, and GOES 2 journal January 1987
Evidence for flux ropes in the earth's magnetotail book January 1990
Plasma sheet polytropic index as inferred from the FPE measurements journal December 1990
Slow shock characteristics as a function of distance from the X-line in the magnetotail journal August 1989
A new model for substorm onsets: The pre-breakup and triggering regimes journal October 1988
Energy spectra of plasma sheet ions and electrons from ∼50 eV/ e to ∼1 MeV during plasma temperature transitions journal January 1988
Ion diffusion coefficients from resonant interactions with broadband turbulence in the magnetotail journal January 1989
Plasma sheet at X ≈ −20 RE during steady magnetospheric convection journal April 1988
Comparison of field-aligned currents at ionospheric and magnetospheric altitudes journal January 1988
Three-point magnetic field observations of substorms in the inner magnetotail journal January 1989
On the structure of the tail magnetic field journal January 1990
The growth rate and location of the acceleration of energetic particles inside the plasma sheet journal May 1989
Particle distributions in a two-dimensional reconnection field geometry journal January 1989
On the possibility of quasi-static convection in the quiet magnetotail journal December 1988
The interplanetary and solar causes of geomagnetic activity journal January 1990
The magnetic field of the equatorial magnetotail: AMPTE/CCE observations at R < 8.8 R E journal January 1987
Plasmoid-associated energetic ion bursts in the deep geomagnetic tail: Properties of plasmoids and the postplasmoid plasma sheet journal January 1987
Geometrical properties of three-dimensional reconnecting magnetic fields with nulls journal January 1988
The longitudinal and radial distribution of magnetic reconfigurations in the near-Earth magnetotail as observed by AMPTE/CCE journal January 1988
Thermal energization of ions during impulsive field events journal July 1990
On the time evolution of force-free fields journal June 1978
Numerical modeling of proton and electron bursts in a realistic magnetotail journal January 1987
Implications of large flow velocity signatures in nearly isotropic ion distributions journal April 1988
Disruption of the magnetotail current sheet observed by AMPTE/CCE journal October 1987
The position of the magnetotail neutral sheet in the near-Earth region journal September 1990
The radial and longitudinal propagation characteristics of substorm injections journal January 1988
The coalescence of magnetic flux ropes and reconnection in the magnetotail journal January 1989
A magnetospheric magnetic field model with a warped tail current sheet journal January 1989
Indications for ionospheric participation in the substorm process from AMPTE/CCE observations journal January 1990
Description of substorms in the tail incorporating boundary layer and neutral line effects journal November 1988
Steady magnetic field reconnection book January 1990
A search for lower hybrid drift turbulence in slow shocks journal January 1988
Comment on “A statistical study of the central plasma sheet: Implications for substorm models” journal July 1987
Generation of field-aligned currents in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in a MHD plasma journal July 1987
Reply to Cattell and Elphic journal July 1987
The structure of the Birkeland current system in the post-midnight plasma sheet journal July 1990
The evolution from weak to strong geomagnetic activity: An interpretation in terms of deterministic chaos journal January 1990
Tail-like reconfiguration of the plasma sheet during the substorm growth phase journal December 1990
Where do field lines go in the quiet magnetosphere? journal November 1988
A turbulent mechanism for substorm onset in the Earth's magnetotail journal April 1987
Physics of the quiet magnetosphere journal November 1988
Representations of currents and magnetic fields in anisotropic magnetohydrostatic plasma journal January 1990
Response of magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems to changes in the interplanetary magnetic field journal January 1988
Distant (200–238 Re) magnetotail lobe characteristics during quiet solar wind conditions journal March 1987
Quasi-static magnetospheric MHD processes and the “ground state” of the magnetosphere journal November 1988
Current sheet thickness in the near-Earth plasma sheet during substorm growth phase journal January 1990
The effects of plasma sheet boundary flow and plasma mantle flow on the ion tearing instability journal January 1988
Average patterns of precipitation and plasma flow in the plasma sheet flux tubes during steady magnetospheric convection journal March 1990
Self-consistent neutral point current and fields from single particle dynamics book January 1988
A theoretical foundation of general magnetic reconnection journal January 1988
A current disruption mechanism in the neutral sheet: A possible trigger for substorm expansions journal May 1990
Static magnetic field models consistent with nearly isotropic plasma pressure journal August 1987
Electron distributions in the plasma sheet boundary layer: Time-of-flight effects journal October 1990
Magnetic reconnection in a collisionless plasma: Evidence for the current sheet acceleration journal October 1987
A statistical study of the central plasma sheet: Implications for substorm models journal July 1986
Transient flux tubes in the terrestrial magnetosphere journal January 1990
On the generation of field-aligned plasma flow at the boundary of the plasma sheet journal January 1987
Pressure balance between lobe and plasma sheet journal January 1990
Transition regions in solar system and astrophysical plasmas journal January 1990
On the threshold for triggering substorms journal February 1990
Magnetotail acceleration using generalized drift theory: A kinetic merging scenario journal July 1990
Average plasma and magnetic field variations in the distant magnetotail associated with near-Earth substorm effects journal January 1987
Fractal boundaries in magnetotail particle dynamics journal July 1990
Magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail current sheet for varying cross-tail magnetic field journal October 1990
A multisatellite case study of the expansion of a substorm current wedge in the near-Earth magnetotail journal January 1990
Observational determination of the adiabatic index in the quiet time plasma sheet journal June 1989
Numerical simulations on the structure of plasmoids in the deep tail journal September 1987
A theory of substorms: Onset and subsidence journal January 1988
Ionospheric outflow of plasma and compression relationship in the plasma sheet journal October 1990
The amplitude distribution of field-aligned currents at northern high latitudes observed by Triad journal May 1976
Trapped-particle evacuation: Source of magnetotail bursts and tailward flows? journal May 1989
The energetic ion substorm injection boundary journal January 1990
Ultra-low-frequency wave power in the magnetotail lobes 1. Relation to substorm Onsets and the auroral electrojet index journal October 1990
The CDAW-8 substorm event on 28 January 1983: A detailed global study journal January 1988
A model of the magnetospheric tail with current-free lobes journal February 1990
Observations of the ion distribution in the nightside magnetosphere during substorm-associated dropout events journal January 1988
Enhancements of energetic ions associated with travelling compression regions in the deep geomagnetic tail journal January 1987
Magnetospheric plasma pressures in the midnight meridian: Observations from 2.5 to 35 R E journal January 1989
A possible case of radially antisunward propagating substorm onset in the near-Earth magnetotail journal June 1990
Global quantitative models of the geomagnetic field in the cislunar magnetosphere for different disturbance levels journal November 1987
Structure of reconnection boundary layers in incompressible MHD journal January 1987
Current sheet crossings in the distant magnetotail journal April 1988
A magnetospheric substorm observed at Sanae, Antarctica journal January 1987
Effect of field-aligned potential drop in a global magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling model journal January 1988
Is steady convection possible in the Earth's magnetotail? journal November 1980
The distortion of the magnetotail equilibrium structure by a net cross-tail magnetic field journal January 1990
Structure of a slow mode shock observed in the plasma sheet boundary layer journal January 1987
Statistical properties of magnetic field fluctuations in the distant plasmasheet journal March 1987
Filamentary structures in the magnetotail lobes journal January 1987
Substorm processes in the magnetotail: Comments on ‘On hot tenuous plasmas, fireballs, and boundary layers in the Earth's magnetotail’ by L. A. Frank, K. L. Ackerson, and R. P. Lepping journal December 1977
Parallel electric fields in a simulation of magnetotail reconnection and plasmoid evolution book January 1990
Substorm related changes in the geomagnetic tail: the growth phase journal September 1972
The substorm current wedge and field-aligned currents in MHD simulations of magnetotail reconnection journal February 1991
Magnetospheric convection during quiet or moderately disturbed times journal November 1988
Satellite studies of magnetospheric substorms on August 15, 1968: 9. Phenomenological model for substorms journal June 1973
Assessment of the boundary layer model of the magnetospheric substorm journal January 1988
Effect of a localized minimum in equatorial field strength on resistive tearing instability in the geomagnetotail journal January 1987
Three-dimensional kinematic reconnection in the presence of field nulls and closed field lines journal February 1990
Detailed observations of the plasma sheet during a substorm on April 24, 1979 journal January 1986
The horse-collar aurora: A frequent pattern of the aurora in quiet times journal January 1989
Three-dimensional computer modeling of dynamic reconnection in the geomagnetic tail journal January 1981
A comparison of analytical and numerical models for steadily driven magnetic reconnection journal January 1987
Collisionless reconnection in a quasi-neutral sheet near marginal stability journal November 1989