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Title: Electron parallel closures for the 3 + 1 fluid model

Journal Article · · Physics of Plasmas
DOI: · OSTI ID:1458633
ORCiD logo [1];  [2]
  1. Utah State Univ., Logan, UT (United States). Dept. of Physics
  2. Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)

Linear closures are obtained for arbitrary collisionality for the 3 + 1 fluid model which includes the evolution of density, flow velocity, and pressure both parallel and perpendicular to a preferred direction, usually a magnetic field. A large set of 6400 moment equations is solved to provide closures that are accurate in the collisional regime and well into the collisionless regime. The closures in the collisionless limit are determined by solving the kinetic equation with a model collision operator. Simple fits for the kernel functions that define the closures are obtained for arbitrary collisionality in wave number space. The results are linearly accurate to within 3% across the entire range of collisionality.

Research Organization:
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA); Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States). Plasma Science and Innovation Center (PSI-Center)
Grant/Contract Number:
AC52-07NA27344; SC0014033; SC0016256; FG02-04ER54746
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1429124
Report Number(s):
LLNL-JRNL-741938; 896317; TRN: US1901487
Journal Information:
Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 25, Issue 3; ISSN 1070-664X
American Institute of Physics (AIP)Copyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 3 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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