Baryon masses and σ terms in SU(3) BChPT×1/Nc
- Hampton Univ., Hampton, VA (United States). Dept. of Physics
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States)
Baryon masses and nucleon $$\sigma$$ terms are studied with the effective theory that combines the chiral and $$1/N_c$$ expansions for three flavors. In particular the connection between the deviation of the Gell-Mann-Okubo relation and the $$\sigma$$ term associated with the scalar density $$\bar u u+\bar d d-2\bar s s$$ is emphasized. The latter is at lowest order related to a mass combination whose low value has given rise to a $$\sigma$$ term puzzle. It is shown that while the nucleon $$\sigma$$ terms have a well behaved low energy expansion, that mass combination is affected by large higher order corrections non-analytic in quark masses. Lastly, adding to the analysis lattice QCD baryon masses, it is found that $$\sigma_{\pi N}=69(10)$$~MeV and $$\sigma_s$$ has natural magnitude within its relative large uncertainty.
- Research Organization:
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Science (SC), Nuclear Physics (NP); National Science Foundation (NSF); European Commission (EC); USDOE
- Grant/Contract Number:
- AC05-06OR23177; FPA2016-77313-P; PHY-1307413; PHY-1613951
- 1437874
- Alternate ID(s):
- OSTI ID: 1454732
- Report Number(s):
- JLAB-THY-18-2679; DOE/OR/-23177-4397; PII: S0370269318303484; TRN: US1901125
- Journal Information:
- Physics Letters B, Vol. 781, Issue C; ISSN 0370-2693
- Publisher:
- ElsevierCopyright Statement
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
Web of Science
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