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Title: Special Section on InterPACK 2017—Part 1

Journal Article · · Journal of Electronic Packaging
DOI: · OSTI ID:1427971
 [1];  [2];  [3];  [4]
  1. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Austin, TX (United States)
  2. National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
  3. Toyota Research Inst. of North America, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)
  4. Google, Mountain View, CA (United States)

InterPACK is a premier international forum for exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge in research, development, manufacturing, and applications of micro-electronics packaging. It is the flagship conference of the ASME Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) founded in 1992 as an ASME-JSME joint biannual conference. Rapid changes in the semiconductor landscape together with findings from InterPACK Pathfinding workshop (IPW) in 2016 led to a significant reset of InterPACK conference priorities and focus to comprehensively address needs of the InterPACK community. As a result, starting in 2017, InterPACK has become an annual conference and the scope of the conference has increased significantly together with a systems-focus to include some of the most cutting-edge topics in electronics packaging, device integration, and reliability. These topics are organized across five different tracks: (1) heterogeneous integration: microsystems with diverse functionality, (2) servers of the future, (3) structural and physical health monitoring, (4) energy conversion and storage, and (5) transportation: autonomous and electric vehicles.

Research Organization:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Vehicle Technologies Office (EE-3V)
Grant/Contract Number:
Report Number(s):
Journal Information:
Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 140, Issue 1; ISSN 1043-7398
ASMECopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States