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Title: Bis(aminothiolato)nickel nanosheet as a redox switch for conductivity and an electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction

Journal Article · · Chemical Science
DOI: · OSTI ID:1409483

A π-conjugated coordination nanosheet comprising bis(aminothiolato)nickel (NiAT) moieties was synthesized by the reaction of Ni(acac)2 with 1,3,5-triaminobenzene-2,4,6-trithiol at liquid–liquid and gas–liquid interfaces. The sheet thickness could be controlled down to a single layer (0.6 nm). Selected area electron diffraction and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction analyses indicated the formation of a flat crystalline sheet with a kagome lattice stacked in a staggered alignment. NiAT was reversibly interconverted to a bis(iminothiolato)nickel (NiIT) nanosheet by the chemical 2H+–2e- reaction, which was accompanied by a drastic change in electrical conductivity from 3 × 10-6 to 1 × 10-1 S cm-1. This change in conductivity was explained by the difference in band structures between NiAT and NiIT. NiAT acted as an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction, showing strong acid durability and an onset overpotential of -0.15 V.

Research Organization:
Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES); USDOE
Grant/Contract Number:
FG02-04ER46148; DE FG02-04ER46148
Alternate ID(s):
OSTI ID: 1506236
Journal Information:
Chemical Science, Vol. 8, Issue 12; ISSN 2041-6520
Royal Society of ChemistryCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 107 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

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Figures / Tables (5)