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Title: Identifying the Crystalline Orientation of Black Phosphorus by Using Optothermal Raman Spectroscopy

Journal Article · · ChemPhysChem
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  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2025 Black Engineering Building Ames IA 50010 USA
  2. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Iowa State University, 2114 Sweeney Hall Ames IA 50010 USA
  3. Automotive Engineering College, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 333 Longteng Road Shanghai P. R. China

Sponsoring Organization:
Grant/Contract Number:
NE0000671; EE0007686
Journal Information:
ChemPhysChem, Journal Name: ChemPhysChem; ISSN 1439-4235
ChemPubSoc EuropeCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
Citation Metrics:
Cited by: 11 works
Citation information provided by
Web of Science

References (32)

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