Skyrmion creation and annihilation by spin waves
- Univ. of California, Riverside, CA (United States). Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (United States). Dept. of Physics and Material Science Program
- Univ. of California, Riverside, CA (United States). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Single skyrmion creation and annihilation by spin waves in a crossbar geometry are theoretically analyzed. A critical spin-wave frequency is required both for the creation and the annihilation of a skyrmion. The minimum frequencies for creation and annihilation are similar, but the optimum frequency for creation is below the critical frequency for skyrmion annihilation. If a skyrmion already exists in the cross bar region, a spin wave below the critical frequency causes the skyrmion to circulate within the central region. A heat assisted creation process reduces the spin-wave frequency and amplitude required for creating a skyrmion. Finally, the effective field resulting from the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the emergent field of the skyrmion acting on the spin wave drive the creation and annihilation processes.
- Research Organization:
- Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC), Washington D.C. (United States). Spins and Heat in Nanoscale Electronic Systems (SHINES)
- Sponsoring Organization:
- USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
- Grant/Contract Number:
- SC0012670
- 1370864
- Journal Information:
- Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, Issue 15; Related Information: SHINES partners with University of California, Riverside (lead); Arizona State University; Colorado State University; Johns Hopkins University; University of California Irvine; University of California Los Angeles; University of Texas at Austin; ISSN 0003-6951
- Publisher:
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)Copyright Statement
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Language:
- English
Web of Science
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