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Title: Hybrid Parallelization of Adaptive MHD-Kinetic Module in Multi-Scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulation Suite

Journal Article · · Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series
OSTI ID:1326000

The Multi-Scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulation Suite has a computational tool set for solving partially ionized flows. In this paper we focus on recent developments of the kinetic module which solves the Boltzmann equation using the Monte-Carlo method. The module has been recently redesigned to utilize intra-node hybrid parallelization. We describe in detail the redesign process, implementation issues, and modifications made to the code. Finally, we conduct a performance analysis.

Research Organization:
Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL (United States)
Sponsoring Organization:
USDOE Office of Science (SC), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)
Grant/Contract Number:
Journal Information:
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 474; Conference: 7th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Big Island, HI (United States), 25-29 Jun 2013; Related Information: ISBN 978-1-58381-832-9; ISSN 1050-3390
Astronomical Society of the PacificCopyright Statement
Country of Publication:
United States