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Title: Epitaxial exchange-bias systems: From fundamentals to future spin-orbitronics

Journal Article · · Materials Science and Engineering. R, Reports

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Materials Science and Engineering. R, Reports, Journal Name: Materials Science and Engineering. R, Reports Vol. 105 Journal Issue: C; ISSN 0927-796X
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Cited by: 86 works
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References (257)

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Hysteretic Behavior of Angular Dependence of Exchange Bias in FeNi / FeMn Bilayers journal July 2007
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A model of the temperature dependence of exchange bias in coupled ferromagnetic∕antiferromagnetic bilayers journal April 2008
Magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Py/FeMn/Cu(001) and Py/FeMn/Ni/Cu(001) films journal September 2013
Training-Induced Positive Exchange Bias in NiFe / IrMn Bilayers journal May 2009
Reversing the Training Effect in Exchange Biased CoO / Co Bilayers journal October 2005
Epitaxial growth and magnetic exchange anisotropy in Fe3O4/NiO bilayers grown on MgO(001) and Al2O3(0001) journal March 2005
Nanoimprint-lithography patterned epitaxial Fe nanowire arrays with misaligned magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropies journal May 2013
Size Dependence of Exchange Bias in Co / CoO Nanostructures journal February 2012
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Unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/normal metal bilayers journal June 2015
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Antiferromagnetic layer thickness dependence of the magnetization reversal in the epitaxial MnPd/Fe exchange bias system journal March 2011
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Epitaxial growth and exchange biasing of PdMn/Fe bilayers grown by ion-beam sputtering journal June 2001
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Probing the magnetization reversal in epitaxial Fe/IrMn exchange biased bilayers using angle-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance journal April 2012
Antiferromagnet-controlled spin current transport in SrMnO 3 / Pt hybrids journal October 2014
Driving magnetization perpendicular by antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic exchange coupling journal March 2011
Element-specific study of the anomalous magnetic interlayer coupling across NiO spacer layer in Co/NiO/Fe/Ag(001) using XMCD and XMLD journal July 2009
Four-fold magnetic anisotropy induced by the antiferromagnetic order in FeMn/Co/Cu(001) system journal October 2010
Temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers journal September 2004
Spin Pumping and Spin-Transfer Torques in Antiferromagnets journal July 2014
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Improved exchange coupling between ferromagnetic Ni‐Fe and antiferromagnetic Ni‐Mn‐based films journal August 1994
Calculations of Exchange Bias in Thin Films with Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Interfaces journal June 1997
Spin Structure at the Interface of Exchange Biased FeMn / Co Bilayers journal August 1999
Training and temperature effects of epitaxial and polycrystalline Ni 80 Fe 20 ∕ Fe 50 Mn 50 exchange biased bilayers journal February 2008
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Exchange bias of antiferromagnets with random anisotropies and perfectly compensated interfaces journal May 2004
Irreversibility of magnetization rotation in exchange biased Fe/epitaxial-FeF2 thin films journal January 2007
Huge magnetocrystalline anisotropy of x-ray linear dichroism observed on Co ∕ Fe Mn bilayers journal June 2007
Anomalous Hall Effect Arising from Noncollinear Antiferromagnetism journal January 2014
Exchange bias in epitaxial Fe/Ir 0.2 Mn 0.8 bilayers grown on MgO (0 0 1) journal October 2009
Direct observation of the alignment of ferromagnetic spins by antiferromagnetic spins journal June 2000
Impact of interface orientation on magnetic coupling in highly ordered systems: A case study of the low-indexed Fe 3 O 4 / NiO interfaces journal August 2008
Changes in ferromagnetic spin structure induced by exchange bias in Fe/ Mn F 2 films journal December 2004
Design of compensated ferrimagnetic Heusler alloys for giant tunable exchange bias journal March 2015
A spin-valve-like magnetoresistance of an antiferromagnet-based tunnel junction journal March 2011
The fabrication of ordered arrays of exchange biased Ni/FeF 2 nanostructures journal April 2010
Spin Hall Effects in Metallic Antiferromagnets journal November 2014
Influence of in-plane crystalline quality of an antiferromagnet on perpendicular exchange coupling and exchange bias journal March 2002
Domain-size-dependent exchange bias in Co∕LaFeO3 journal November 2004
Spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators mediated by magnetic correlations journal June 2015
Enhanced Spin Pumping Efficiency in Antiferromagnetic IrMn Thin Films around the Magnetic Phase Transition journal February 2016
Large perpendicular exchange bias in IrMn/CoFe/[Pt/Co] multilayers grown on a Ta/Pt buffer layer journal May 2009
Chemical effects at the buried NiO ∕ Fe ( 001 ) interface journal December 2004
Transition from coherent rotation to curling mode reversal process in ferromagnetic nanowires journal March 2005
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Depth Profile of Uncompensated Spins in an Exchange Bias System journal July 2005
Full Electric Control of Exchange Bias journal February 2013
Asymmetric magnetization reversal behavior in exchange-biased NiFe∕MnPt bilayers in two different anisotropy regimes: Close and far from critical thickness journal August 2007
Exchange bias and fourfold magnetic anisotropy in Permalloy thin film on epitaxial hematite antiferromagnet journal March 2008
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Orbital Ferromagnetism and Anomalous Hall Effect in Antiferromagnets on the Distorted fcc Lattice journal August 2001
Sequential write-read operations in FeRh antiferromagnetic memory journal September 2015
Multijump Magnetic Switching in In-Plane Magnetized Ultrathin Epitaxial Ag/Fe/Ag(001) Films journal November 1997
Origin of the reduced exchange bias in an epitaxial FeNi(111)/CoO(111) bilayer journal May 2009
Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Induced by a Nonequilibrium Proximity Effect journal May 2013
Magnetostrictive Domain Walls in Antiferromagnetic NiO journal December 2003
Dynamic and rotatable exchange anisotropy in Fe/KNiF 3 /FeF 2 trilayers journal September 2011
Direct measurement of depth-dependent Fe spin structure during magnetization reversal in Fe / MnF 2 exchange-coupled bilayers journal December 2008
Inverse spin Hall effect in Cr: Independence of antiferromagnetic ordering journal July 2015
Bidomain state in exchange biased FeF2∕Ni journal November 2005

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