ORCID Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add records to my ORCID Works?
To add OSTI.GOV records, please make sure that you have completed the login and authorization procedures. Once authorized, conduct a search as you would normally, using the basic or advanced search as you choose. When you identify a record that you have authored or coauthored, choose to "Add to ORCID Works", found at the right-hand corner of the record listing in the results list. OSTI.GOV will ask if you would like to add this record. Select "Add to ORCID WORKS" again in the pop-up text box. You have now added this record to your Works list.
How do I authorize OSTI to make changes to my ORCID Works?
To authorize OSTI to make changes, locate the ORCID symbol and text that says "Connect your ORCID iD" at the top of any page in OSTI.GOV. You will be taken to an informational page detailing ORCID and the permissions you may grant OSTI. Choose "Create or connect your ORCID iD." This will open a new window or pop-up to either log-in or create a new ORCID iD. Follow the appropriate directions on this screen and select "Authorize" to grant permissions. You should then be taken to OSTI.GOV and may close the window.
How will records be added to my Works if they are submitted in E-Link?
This process is totally hands off for you, the user, once OSTI has been granted authorization. At the time of connecting your ORCID profile and granting OSTI access, please leave the box checked that says "Allow this permission until I revoke it." This will ensure that OSTI has continuing permission to make changes to your account. Any unlimited access records from this point forward that come into E-Link with your ORCID iD will automatically be added to your Works list.
How do I view the OSTI.GOV records that have been added to my Works?
Any records that have been added to your Works that are found in OSTI.GOV are visible on your dashboard page. To view this page, click on your name (after logging in) next to the ORCID symbol at the top of OSTI.GOV. You should see your ORCID account details and a tab titled "ORCID Works in OSTI.GOV." Click on this tab and you should see the list of records that you have authored and added to your profile found in OSTI.GOV.
Will the records I add to my Works be updated if the metadata changes?
We understand that sometimes metadata changes. Perhaps the abstract is updated or an author added to a record after its initial submission in E-Link. If any OSTI record is updated after it has been added to your ORCID Works, regardless of whether you added it from OSTI.GOV or it was added on your behalf via E-Link, it will automatically be updated in your ORCID profile. For as long as you grant OSTI permission to make changes to your Works, you never need worry that an update will not be sent. If authorization is removed, records will no longer be updated automatically and will remain as they appear at the time of the change in permissions.
Why aren't the works I selected showing up on my list in OSTI.GOV?
If you can see them in your ORCID profile but not in the list on OSTI.GOV, it is most likely an issue of privacy settings. Please ensure that your privacy settings for who may view your Works are set to "Everyone." After the OSTI.GOV page has been refreshed, you should now see that title in your list of ORCID Works in OSTI.GOV.
Why are the records I've added different than what I see in OSTI.GOV?
If the metadata you see in OSTI.GOV is different than what displays on your ORCID Works list, ensure that you have not revoked access from OSTI to make changes to your profile. You must have currently granted authorization for current updates to be included.
If you do have current authorization, please refresh each page and check again.
If the data displayed is still different, please Contact Us.
Can I remove authorization for OSTI to add or update my Works?
Yes, but why would you want to? When you first granted permissions to OSTI to update your account, you were given a choice to do so on a short-term or long term basis. If you are sure you would like to remove this authorization, go to the Account Settings in your ORCID profile. Under "Trusted Organizations" you will see an entry for DOE/Office of Scientific and Technical Information. This list is automatically sorted by approval date, so depending on when authorization was granted or other organizations you have authorized, you may have to search your list. To remove OSTI, select the trashcan on the right side of this entry. It will give you the option to Confirm or Cancel revocation of access from OSTI. Note: If you choose to revoke access, the records that have been added via OSTI.GOV or E-Link will remain; however, they will no longer be updated automatically if metadata changes. You will need to manually curate them from that point forward.
For additional assistance, Contact Us.