BOMB (Potsdam, Germany, July 1945)
Dawn of the Atomic Era, 1945
The War Enters Its Final Phase, 1945
Debate Over How to Use the Bomb, Late Spring
The Trinity Test, July 16, 1945
Safety and the Trinity Test, July 1945
Evaluations of Trinity, July 1945
Potsdam and the Final Decision to Bomb, July
The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, August 6,
The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, August 9,
Japan Surrenders, August 10-15, 1945
The Manhattan Project and the Second World War,
President Harry S. Truman
received word of the success of the
Trinity test, his need for the help of the Soviet Union in the war
against Japan was greatly diminished. The Soviet
leader, Joseph Stalin, had promised to join the war
against Japan by August 15th. Truman and his
advisors now were not sure they wanted this help. If
use of the atomic bomb made victory possible without an
invasion, then accepting Soviet help would only invite
them into the discussions regarding the postwar fate of
Japan. During the second week of Allied
deliberations at Potsdam, on the evening of July 24, 1945,
Truman approached Stalin without an interpreter and, as
casually as he could, told him that the United States had
a "new weapon of unusual destructive force." Stalin
showed little interest, replying only that he hoped the
United States would make "good use of it against the
Japanese." The reason for Stalin's composure became
clear later:
Soviet intelligence had been receiving
about the atomic bomb program since fall 1941.
The final decision to drop the
atomic bomb, when it was made the following day, July 25,
was decidedly anticlimactic. How and when it should
be used had been the subject of
high-level debate
for months. A directive (right), written by
Leslie Groves, approved by President
Truman, and issued by Secretary of War Henry Stimson and
General of the Army George Marshall, ordered the Army Air
Force's 509th Composite Group to attack Hiroshima, Kokura,
Niigata, or Nagasaki (in that order of preference) as soon
after August 3 as weather permitted. No further
authorization was needed for subsequent atomic
attacks. Additional bombs were to be delivered as
soon as they became available, against whatever Japanese
cities remained on the target list. Stalin was not
told. Targeting now simply depended on which city
was not obscured by clouds on the day of attack.
Colonel Paul Tibbets's 509th was ready. They had
already begun dropping their dummy "pumpkin" bombs on
Japanese targets, both for practice, and to accustom the
Japanese to overflights of small numbers of B-29s.
The uranium "Little Boy" bomb, minus its nuclear
components, arrived at the island of Tinian aboard the
U.S.S Indianapolis on July 26, followed shortly
by the final nuclear components of the bomb, delivered by
five C-54 cargo planes. On July 26, word arrived at
Potsdam that Winston Churchill had been defeated in his
bid for reelection. Within hours, Truman, Stalin,
and Clement Attlee (the new British prime minister, below)
issued their warning to Japan: surrender or suffer "prompt
and utter destruction." As had been the case with
Stalin, no specific mention of the atomic bomb was
made. This "Potsdam
Declaration" left the emperor's status unclear by making
no reference to the royal house in the section that
promised the Japanese that they could design their new
government as long as it was peaceful and more
democratic. Anti-war sentiment was growing among
Japanese civilian leaders, but no peace could be made
without the consent of the military leaders. They
still retained hope for a negotiated peace where they
would be able to keep at least some of their conquests or
at least avoid American occupation of the homeland.
On July 29, 1945, the Japanese rejected the Potsdam
There is probably no more controversial issue in
20th-century American history than President Harry S.
Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
Many historians argue that it was necessary to end the war
and that in fact it saved lives, both Japanese and
American, by avoiding a land invasion of Japan that might
have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Other
historians argue that Japan would have surrendered even
without the use of the atomic bomb and that in fact Truman
and his advisors used the bomb only in an effort to
intimidate the Soviet Union. The United States did
know from intercepted messages between Tokyo and Moscow
that the Japanese were seeking a
conditional surrender. American
policy-makers, however, were not inclined to accept a
Japanese "surrender" that left its military dictatorship
intact and even possibly allowed it to retain some of its
wartime conquests. Further, American leaders were
anxious to end the war as soon as possible. It is
important to remember that July-August 1945 was no
bloodless period of negotiation. In fact, there were
still no overt negotiations at all. The United
States continued to suffer casualties in late July and
early August 1945, especially from Japanese submarines and
suicidal "kamikaze" attacks using aircraft and midget
submarines. (One example of this is the loss of the
Indianapolis, which was sunk by a Japanese
submarine on July 29, just days after delivering "Little
Boy" to Tinian. Of its crew of 1,199, only 316
sailors survived.) The people of Japan, however,
were suffering far more by this time. Air raids and
naval bombardment of Japan were a daily occurrence, and
the first signs of starvation were already beginning to
Alternatives to dropping the atomic bomb on a Japanese
city were many, but few military or political planners
thought they would bring about the desired outcome, at
least not quickly. They believed the shock of a
rapid series of bombings had the best chance of
working. A demonstration of the power of the atomic
bomb on an isolated location was an option supported by
many of the Manhattan Project's
scientists, but providing the Japanese
warning of a demonstration would allow them to attempt to
try to intercept the incoming bomber or even move American
prisoners of war to the designated target. Also, the
uranium gun-type bomb (right) had never
been tested. What would the reaction be if the
United States warned of a horrible new weapon, only to
have it prove a dud, with the wreckage of the weapon
itself now in Japanese hands? Another option was to
wait for the expected coming Soviet declaration of war in
the hopes that this might convince Japan to surrender
unconditionally, but the Soviet declaration was not
expected until mid-August, and Truman hoped to avoid
having to "share" the administration of Japan with the
Soviet Union. A blockade combined with continued
conventional bombing might also eventually lead to
surrender without an invasion, but there was no telling
how long this would take, if it worked at all.
The only alternative to the atomic bomb that Truman and
his advisors felt was certain to lead to a Japanese
surrender was an invasion of the Japanese home
islands. Plans were already well-advanced for this,
with the initial landings set for the fall and winter of
1945-1946. No one knew how many lives would be lost
in an invasion, American, Allied, and Japanese, but the
recent seizure of the island of Okinawa provided a ghastly
clue. The campaign to take the small island had
taken over ten weeks, and the fighting had resulted in the
deaths of over 12,000 Americans, 100,000 Japanese, and
perhaps another 100,000 native Okinawans.
As with many people, Truman was shocked by the enormous
losses suffered at Okinawa. American intelligence
reports indicated (correctly) that, although Japan could
no longer meaningfully project its power overseas, it
retained an army of two million soldiers and about 10,000
aircraft -- half of them kamikazes -- for the final
defense of the homeland. (During postwar studies the
United States learned that the Japanese had correctly
anticipated where in Kyushu the initial landings would
have taken place.) Although Truman hoped that the
atomic bomb might give the United States an edge in
postwar diplomacy, the prospect of avoiding another year
of bloody warfare in the end may well have figured most
importantly in his decision to drop the atomic bomb on
The War Enters Its Final Phase, 1945
Debate Over How to Use the Bomb, Late Spring
The Trinity Test, July 16, 1945
Safety and the Trinity Test, July 1945
Evaluations of Trinity, July 1945
Potsdam and the Final Decision to Bomb, July
The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, August 6,
The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, August 9,
Japan Surrenders, August 10-15, 1945
The Manhattan Project and the Second World War,
Previous Next
Sources and notes for this page.
The text for this page was adapted from, and portions
were taken directly from the
Office of History and Heritage Resources
F. G. Gosling,
The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb
(DOE/MA-0001; Washington: History Division, Department
of Energy, January 1999), 50-51. For
President Harry Truman's account of his
informing Stalin about the bomb, see Harry S. Truman,
Memoirs: Volume 1, Year of Decisions (New York:
Doubleday & Company, 1955), 416. On the
Potsdam Declaration, see the History Office publication:
Richard G. Hewlett and Oscar E. Anderson, Jr.,
The New World, 1939-1946: Volume I,
A History of the United States
Atomic Energy Commission
(Washington: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1972),
395. The casualty figures for the
Indianapolis and Okinawa are taken from Samuel
Eliot Morison,
The Two-Ocean War: A Short History of the United
States in the Second World War
(New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1963), 556, 566,
and Allan R. Millett and Peter Maslowski,
For the Common Defense: A Military History of the
United States of America (New York: The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan,
Inc., 1984), 463-464. The photographs of the
Potsdam conference and of President Harry Truman are
courtesy the
Truman Presidential Library. Click
here for more information on the picture of Potsdam
and the note Truman wrote on the back of it. Click
here for more information on the image of the order
to drop the atomic bomb. The photograph of Paul Tibbets with his ground
crew in front of the Enola Gay is reproduced from
Vincent C. Jones,
Manhattan: The Army and the Atomic Bomb, United
States Army in World War II (Washington: Center of
Military History, United States Army, 1988), 535.
The photograph of "Little Boy" is courtesy the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (via the
National Archives (NARA)). The photograph of the Marine at Okinawa is
courtesy the
United States Marine Corps
(via NARA).
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