Declassified Stockpile Data 1945 to 1994

Summary of Declassified Nuclear Stockpile Information

United States Department of Defense and Department of Energy

Declassified Stockpile Data 1945 to 1994

Total quantities cover years 1945 to 1961. Total quantities 1945-1948 were already unclassified. Total quantities of the stockpile after 1961 remain classified since there were weapon systems introduced in 1962 and later that are still in the current stockpile.

Builds numbers reported below are total annual quantities for fully retired weapon systems. This represents a subset of United States nuclear weapon production. The annual production of nuclear weapons still in the stockpile remain classified.

Retirement rates from 1984 to 1989 are adjusted from the stockpile memorandum retirement numbers to better reflect the number of weapons truly retired. Retirement numbers reported below reflect weapons retired for conversions, modifications, or disassemblies for disposal. Retirement numbers depend critically on how the term retirement is defined.

Disassemblies reported below reflect only the number of weapons dismantled for actual disposal. It should be noted that raw disassembly numbers published elsewhere by the Department are typically larger reflecting the number of times a weapon is disassembled but not necessarily disassembled for disposal or dismantlement purposes. An example of this would be for repair, a weapon might be disassembled to replace a part and then returned to the stockpile. Records prior to 1980 on disassemblies for disposal are not immediately available but will be provided in the future if possible.


1945       2        0.04         2           0
1946       9        0.18         7           0
1947      13        0.26         4           0
1948      50        1.25        43           6
1949     170        4.19       123           3
1950     299        9.53       264         135
1951     438       35.25       284         145
1952     841       49.95       644         241
1953    1169       72.80       345          17
1954    1703      339.01       535           1
1955    2422     2879.99       806          87
1956    3692     9188.65      1379         109
1957    5543    17545.86      2232         381
1958    7345    17303.54      2619         817
1959   12298    19054.62      7088        2135
1960   18638    20491.17      7178         838
1961   22229    10947.71      5162        1571
1962            12825.02      4529         766
1963            15977.17      3185         830
1964            16943.97      3493        2534
1965            15152.50      3519        1936
1966            14037.46      2429        2357
1967            12786.17      1693        1649
1968            11837.65       536        2194
1969            11714.44       684        3045
1970             9695.20       219        1936
1971             8584.40      1073        1347
1972             8531.51      1546        1541
1973             8452.00      1171         544
1974             8325.22       959         807
1975             7368.38       748        2240
1976             5935.51       427        2181
1977             5845.0        221         998
1978             5721.16        50        1148
1979             5696.34       170         730
1980             5618.86         0         904        732
1981             5382.91        30        1887       1577
1982             5358.89       338        1537       1535
1983             5232.47       217         749       1120
1984             5192.20       187        1143        994
1985             5217.48       195        1322       1075
1986             5414.54       140        1224       1015
1987             4882.14         0         958       1189
1988             4789.77         0        1023        581
1989             4743.34         0        1794       1208
1990             4518.91         0                   1154
1991             3795.94         0                   1595
1992             3167.88         0                   1856
1993             2647.31         0                   1556
1994             2375.30         0                    926 as of April

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