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An investigation of the feasibility of building a harbor on the West coast of South America using explosive power of nuclear weapons, a preliminary report
Publication Date:
1971 Dec 31
Document Number(s):
Originating Research Org.:
Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)
OpenNet Entry Date:
1997 Apr 14
OpenNet Modified Date:
2009 Nov 11
There is an interest in discovering the various peace time uses of nuclear explosives. One of the proposals is the building of harbors. There are several ports along the west coast of South America where lighterage is necessary. This implies a need for expanded harbor facilities. The problem is to find a good location for creating a harbor, and the feasibility of accomplishing this with the use of nuclear force. Feasibility includes blast effects, radiation hazards, the number of weapons needed, and economic considerations. Economic considerations include the cost of treating a harbor of sufficient depth and area, the building of harbor facilities, and the estimated savings and advantages of the new harbor. Several meetings were held with naval personnel of the Military Liaison group at UCRL to discuss the general problems of harbors. Thirty-three different ports were given a preliminary investigation.