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SUMMARY REPORT, TEST GROUP 57. Operation PLUMBBOB--Preliminary Report
Publication Date:
1958 Apr 01
Declassification Date:
1958 Apr 30
Declassification Status:
Document Pages:
pages 143
Accession Number:
Document Number(s):
Originating Research Org.:
Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)
OpenNet Entry Date:
1959 Dec 31
OpenNet Modified Date:
2022 Jun 23
On April 24, 1957, Operation Plumbbob Test Group 57 conducted a detonation of a device for the purpose of studying the plutonium hazards from accidents. The objectives were to estimate the immediate and long-term distribution of plutonium and gain an understanding of how this distribution comes about, to conduct a biomedical evaluation of plutonium-laden environments, to investigate relevant methods of decontamination, and to evaluate alpha field survey instruments and monitoring procedures. In the order mentioned, these objectives define four programs designated as 71, 72, 73, and 74, respectively. The results of Program 74 show that field survey methods can be relied upon to delineate the areas contaminated by an accident, and the results of program 73 show that decontamination can be carried out successfully. Through analyses of collecting pans, Program 71 determined the areas covered by significant levels of contamination. Strictly speaking, these particular contours are only valid for the particular wind structure which was obtained at the time of the shot, but it is expected that a basic fallout model will be prepared from these data which will permit extrapolation to other wind conditions. Air samplers indicated high airborne concentrations of respirable plutonium remarkably for downwind. Nevertheless, the amounts of plutonium picked up by animals exposed by Program 72 do not seem excessive. A full evaluation of these animal data has yet to be carried through, since the biological processes being studied are very slow. (auth)