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Human radiation studies: Remembering the early years. Oral history of hematologist Karl F. Hubner, M.D., December 30, 1994
Publication Date:
1995 Sep 01
Document Number(s):
Originating Research Org.:
USDOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Human Radiation Experiments
OpenNet Entry Date:
1996 Jul 01
OpenNet Modified Date:
2009 Nov 05
This report is a transcript of an interview of Dr. Karl F. Hubner by representatives of the US DOE Human Radiation Experiments. Dr. Hubner was selected for this interview because of his participation in the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies(ORINS)/Oak Ridge Associated Universities(ORAU) Medical Division cancer therapy research program involving total body irradiation. After a short biographical sketch Dr. Hubner discusses his research in Bone Marrow Transplants, his participation in the development of Nuclear Medicine in Oak Ridge, use of the total body irradiation machine at the University of Tennessee School of Agriculture Animal Research Laboratory (later the Comparative Animal Research Laboratory or CARL) to deliver a high enough dose rate to destroy a patients immune system, the operation of a sterile environment for recovery of patients following bone- marrow transplantation, and the closing of the ORAU Medical Division`s Clinical Program following a negative review. Finally, Dr. Hubner describes his later research using PET.