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Human radiation studies: Remembering the early years: Oral history of radiation biologist Marvin Goldman, Ph.D., conducted December 22, 1994
Publication Date:
1995 Sep 01
Document Number(s):
Originating Research Org.:
USDOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Human Radiation Experiments
OpenNet Entry Date:
1996 Jun 21
OpenNet Modified Date:
2009 Nov 05
This report provides a transcript of an interview of Dr. Marvin Goldman by representatives of DOE`s Office of Human Radiation Experiments. Dr. Goldman was chosen for this interview because of his work on bone-seeking radionuclides. After a brief biographical sketch Dr. Goldman related his experiences concerning his training and work at Rochester University, his work at Brookhaven National Laboratory, his participation in the Beagle Studies at University of California at Davis, his work with the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident, his consultation work with Russian authorities on the health and ecological effects in their history, and finally his opinions and recommendations on human radiation research and the environmental cleanup of DOE sites.