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Human radiation studies: Remembering the early years: Oral history of medical physicist Katherine L. Lathrop and physician Paul V. Harper, conducted January 26, 1995
Publication Date:
1995 Sep 01
Document Number(s):
Originating Research Org.:
USDOE Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, Washington, DC (United States). Office of Human Radiation Experiments
OpenNet Entry Date:
1996 Jun 11
OpenNet Modified Date:
2009 Nov 05
This report provides a transcript of an interview with Ms. Katherine L. Lathrop and Dr. Paul V. Hopper by representatives of the DOE Office of Human Radiation Research. Ms. Lathrop and Dr. Hopper were chosen for this interview because of their long-standing interest and research experience in the development of nuclear medicine. After brief biographical sketches the researchers provide a broad and interesting description of their roles in the initial uses of many radiopharmaceuticals, their experiences in human experimentation, and interactions with many other pioneers in nuclear medicine.